Purchase Date - ASAP.
Budget - 1000-1500 before rebates/shipping
System Usage - Gaming and only gaming, World of Warcraft raids, ideally high settings.
Are you buying a monitor: No
Parts - All
Do you need to buy OS: Yes, doesn't need to be considered in price though. Win7
Location: CT
Parts Preferences - No real preferences
Overclocking - Yes/Maybe (huge gains?)
SLI or Crossfire - No
Your Monitor Resolution - 1920x1080
Additional Comments - Games World of Warcraft - Warlords of Draenor
Why! - Old computer is like 6-7 years old and just totally dead.
Budget - 1000-1500 before rebates/shipping
System Usage - Gaming and only gaming, World of Warcraft raids, ideally high settings.
Are you buying a monitor: No
Parts - All
Do you need to buy OS: Yes, doesn't need to be considered in price though. Win7
Location: CT
Parts Preferences - No real preferences
Overclocking - Yes/Maybe (huge gains?)
SLI or Crossfire - No
Your Monitor Resolution - 1920x1080
Additional Comments - Games World of Warcraft - Warlords of Draenor
Why! - Old computer is like 6-7 years old and just totally dead.