AntiVirus/security advice for a 1.2 GZ laptop running Win7, 10 soon.

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Feb 6, 2009
So sis in law has a Win7 laptop she can't use. Its stupidly slow. I checked its something like a 1.4gz "i5" CPU that makes me shake my head.

I can clean it/optimize it, but trouble is she rather talented at finding viruses. I'm gonna work on locking down her machine with an anti-virius, ad-block, whatever can help. But I need a package that is as lean as it is robust. Otherwise I think I would go straight to Kaspersky/Nod32 full suite.

Thing is? I had to take Avast 2015 off it the machine because it too heavy/slowed it down too much.

Are there any other options that are leaner while still managing comprehensive protection? What else can I do to harden the system against infection once its clean?

I'm so far pondering Avira, or Bitdefender free...But I am willing to consider paid options too, whatever works. As of now she regrets her purchase and the computer just gathers dust.

What should I do guys?
i fix up and give away a ton of old pc's and wanted an AV solution that was as lite as possible for these old xp machines some of which don't evenhave 1 gb or ram!! through a lot of installing and testing i decided that avast was the best solution for ability vs resource use. it has a VERY low ram usage yet is pretty decent at catching issues. it's not the best on the market but i did not find another one that only used 25 mb or ram under normal use.

that would be my suggestion to you is the free avast AV for this old laptop.
i fix up and give away a ton of old pc's and wanted an AV solution that was as lite as possible for these old xp machines some of which don't evenhave 1 gb or ram!! through a lot of installing and testing i decided that avast was the best solution for ability vs resource use. it has a VERY low ram usage yet is pretty decent at catching issues. it's not the best on the market but i did not find another one that only used 25 mb or ram under normal use.

that would be my suggestion to you is the free avast AV for this old laptop.
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