[SOLVED] Any complications or price cuts for this part list?


Feb 26, 2019
I am slowly learning computers and appreciate all of the input. Ive learned a few things like what a bad power supply is and such so I decided to throw together a list to look out for in the future.
I do know that I could possibly snag a used motherboard that has windows on it already but I am wary of used parts.

PCPartPicker Part List: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/VcK49G

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 3.8 GHz 6-Core Processor ($199.99 @ B&H)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 RGB Black Edition 57.3 CFM CPU Cooler ($44.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: MSI B450 TOMAHAWK ATX AM4 Motherboard ($110.24 @ Amazon)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($79.98 @ Amazon)
Storage: Inland Professional 120 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($0.00)
Video Card: MSI Radeon RX 580 8 GB ARMOR OC Video Card ($154.99 @ Newegg)
Case: VIVO CASE-V08 ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: SeaSonic FOCUS Plus Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply ($95.49 @ Amazon)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($109.99 @ B&H)
Total: $795.67
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-03-10 21:57 EDT-0400

My current setup is laughable but my motherboard makes me have to basically buy everything again ( although a prebuilt pc is 900 or so with the pcpartpicker parts).
Current -
Mbd: Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3
Processor : AMD FX- 4130 Quad Core
Graphics Card : Nvidia GTX 750-Ti
Drives : Crucial BX500 120GB SSD and WD Blue 320GB
Ram : Vengeance 2 x 8 ddr3
Psu: Thermaltake Smart Series 500 watts ( part number : spd- 0500p) I should change this already but I digress.
Do you already have the case?
Solid component choices, but I'd suggest getting a tomahawk MAX instead, as it comes with a larger bios ROM and preflashed bios.

The 3600X also comes with a decent cooler, but a 212 Evo is fine if you need it to run more quietly. You could also save a bit of money and get a 3600 non X, which is just binned slightly lower, but doesn't have a noticeable drop in performance.

Perhaps use the saved money to get a GTX 1660/1660 Super.
Do you already have the case?
Solid component choices, but I'd suggest getting a tomahawk MAX instead, as it comes with a larger bios ROM and preflashed bios.

The 3600X also comes with a decent cooler, but a 212 Evo is fine if you need it to run more quietly. You could also save a bit of money and get a 3600 non X, which is just binned slightly lower, but doesn't have a noticeable drop in performance.

Perhaps use the saved money to get a GTX 1660/1660 Super.
Hmm alright and no I don't have the case but I have a mid tower cybertron one, I don't have the dimensions on it.
Neat I shall be on the look for it then cant see my self dropping 800 on this right now.
Also isnt this basically the pc I am putting together ?
Ryzen runs fine on 3000mhz, and the performance difference is within a couple fps for the most part
That being said, there are numerous 3200MHz kits under the price of the 3000MHz kit in this build. You are paying for CL15 over CL16 in that kit.

OP, you say you cant see yourself spending the money right now, if thats the case then dont worry about parting out a PC list.
You should only consider a parts list when you have the money in hand and are ready to order within a few days. Prices and availability will change often, so planning too far ahead is a determent.
That being said, there are numerous 3200MHz kits under the price of the 3000MHz kit in this build. You are paying for CL15 over CL16 in that kit.

OP, you say you cant see yourself spending the money right now, if that's the case then don't worry about parting out a PC list.
You should only consider a parts list when you have the money in hand and are ready to order within a few days. Prices and availability will change often, so planning too far ahead is a determent.
While true, if your trying to hurry, is there anything wrong in making a watch for list to buy when things go on sale and knowing if that list will work well together? That was the main purpose of my post here. One of the tag's is future :). The parts available today are still available tomorrow just for a maybe higher or lower price no one knows. So having the knowledge that this is a good watch list makes me happy. The main objective has been accomplished learning that my parts list is coherent and not gonna have conflicts. Also got some extra knowledge so I shall declare
as the Best answer !
While true, if your trying to hurry, is there anything wrong in making a watch for list to buy when things go on sale and knowing if that list will work well together? That was the main purpose of my post here. One of the tag's is future :). The parts available today are still available tomorrow just for a maybe higher or lower price no one knows. So having the knowledge that this is a good watch list makes me happy. The main objective has been accomplished learning that my parts list is coherent and not gonna have conflicts. Also got some extra knowledge so I shall declare
as the Best answer !
Thats the exact issue with having a list made ahead of time, you will focus on the prices of that list of parts, instead of other components alongside them.
For example, while the prices are 580s may be getting cheaper, it is an aging card, I wouldnt really recommend keeping an eye on that anymore when newer cards offer similar, if not better, performance at the same price.

It is always best to get an up to date parts list at time of purchase, having an old list that has to be redone does not save any time when you still have to check the prices of each component again.
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I hadn't quite considered it that way but most things like the cpu won't change that much in the future and by future I only mean at max like 4-5 months. How often does a list really need to be redone, if you do it this way though, I cant imagine more then twice a year. And for the sales, I am more so keeping a eye on that motherboard and cpu as it seems pretty viable for awhile ( I dont think the chipset is being replaced any time soon). Sorry for being argumentative or dismissive, I am still pretty young and naive ( 23 in college)
I hadn't quite considered it that way but most things like the cpu won't change that much in the future and by future I only mean at max like 4-5 months. How often does a list really need to be redone, if you do it this way though, I cant imagine more then twice a year. And for the sales, I am more so keeping a eye on that motherboard and cpu as it seems pretty viable for awhile ( I dont think the chipset is being replaced any time soon). Sorry for being argumentative or dismissive, I am still pretty young and naive ( 23 in college)
Its all good, we all learn from the same starting point (also 23), lists can change on a daily basis, I put together a list for a friend last week at 897 dollars, this week its 937. Sometimes they wont change for a long time.

For example, in 4-5 months Ryzen 4000 series should be out, or at least close, which is going to disrupt processor pricing and availability, so it would be a good idea to re-evaluate processor choices at that point.

You just never really know what deal is going to be happening each day until you see them all laid out at once, instead of just seeing the price of your select components changing.
Its not like I was only going to watch just those parts though. I check a few sites and have some email me deals ( frys, microcenter, new egg). I am pretty open minded when it comes to searching it really just boils down to me needing more knowledge I guess I can always run by people on the site if x part is better or similar to y part but Id hope to be able to answer something this basic myself.\
But it is true I would probably be more focused on those select few and maybe blind to others.

If you know what Path of Exile is that's what I am trying to run some builds destroy pcs , I can't even handle some of the in-game mechanics, let alone those builds.
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