Any concerns with this build?


Mar 3, 2013
Building new system, and I am concerned with some of my choices....well...more like second guessing myself.


CPU: AMD FX-8120
PSU: 850W Cooler Master
Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-970A-D3
Memory: 16GB DDR3 1333 Crucial
GPU: Radeon HD 7950 3GB
HD: 3x 2TB 7200 RPM WD Black

I am looking to play games like Skyrim, Wow, and Torchlight II. I do a lot of Photoshop and Web Design as well as run a media server from my computer (Plex).

Are there any potential issues I may have with this build?
I gotta say I would definately go with a 3570k. It performs a lot better than this AMD cpu you have listed. Especially for games. So go with the 3570k. This could be your biggest mistake. If you really wanna go cheap on the cpu then get an fx 6300. But if your going to spend 200 bucks get a 3570k.

Another big problem I have with your build is why would you want to go with 1333 RAM when you can easily get some 2133mhz RAM for almost the same price. I just recently switched from 1600mhz to 2133 and let me tell you, I go a nice little performance jump and I'm very glad I made the switch and since you won't be paying much extra for it why not go for some 2133mhz. You can get some kingston Hyperx genisis 2133mhz for around 100 bucks for...


Apr 7, 2011
I'll always say this, but I'd got with an Intel i5-3570K may be a bit pricier but it'll be a better CPU for a gaming system. That PSU seems to be overkill, if you're only planning on a single GPU system. If you go multi-GPU, you'd need about 750W. Single GPU, 650W.

A 7950 is fine for your needs, and you could go with 8GB of RAM (2x4GB) for a gaming system...I don't know if your server needs drive a greater requirement for RAM than a gaming system would.

I agree with the 3x2TB, although you've said you're running a this why you need the storage? Cool if so (although check out a stand-alone WHS 2011 build, cheap to put together and operates very well).

It would be helpful to know your budget.
First of all, if you are running a server and want it to work any good, you probably will need the 3 hdds you mention (should be a raid 1 configuration on 2 hdds + a backup hdd in case any of those 2 fail).

The Intel is almost a Must, since Servers Tax CPUs a lot, so if you plan to both run a server AND used the PC at the same time, you will need a strong CPU.

I like the 16 GB ram, but you probably can do fine with 8gb (not sure what sort of Server we are talking about, will depend on that).

The PSU is overkill i think.
I have a 700W Thermaltake Toughtpower running a old Q6600, 560 Ti, both overclocked, this with water cooling, 3 hdds, 1 dvd reader 1 writer, 4 led tubes, a frontal panel and around 15 FANS (long story).

At full Load my PSU is still rather quiet, so i guess im using under 60% of the total power.

Now in your case.... Probably a 500W PSU is 0 plans to upgrade (ofc good brand, mild OC), 850W would be if you have a lot of plans to upgrade.

That beeing said, i am always overkilling it with the PSU. Its a small investment, and a very important component, so i dont save on it. I rather be extra safe, than just a little bit sorry.


Oct 26, 2012
I gotta say I would definately go with a 3570k. It performs a lot better than this AMD cpu you have listed. Especially for games. So go with the 3570k. This could be your biggest mistake. If you really wanna go cheap on the cpu then get an fx 6300. But if your going to spend 200 bucks get a 3570k.

Another big problem I have with your build is why would you want to go with 1333 RAM when you can easily get some 2133mhz RAM for almost the same price. I just recently switched from 1600mhz to 2133 and let me tell you, I go a nice little performance jump and I'm very glad I made the switch and since you won't be paying much extra for it why not go for some 2133mhz. You can get some kingston Hyperx genisis 2133mhz for around 100 bucks for 16GB. For 8GB you could probably get it for 50.