Discussion Any drone enthusiast out there?

I recently hung out with a new friend of mine who is big into drones. I had a decent idea of what they could do and was interested in getting one but had no idea which one to get so he was kind enough to bring me out with a good amount of his drones. After flying them (price ranged from like $70 to $1500) I had a good idea of what I wanted so I ended up ordering the MJX Bug 2 SE (he had the Bug 3, fun to fly, easy handling & good features).

I've read through this guide and have a good idea of what to do but I was wondering is there anything else I should check out?

Besides mountains are there any other areas that could give me good footage? I'm probably going to avoid going above water until I feel comfortable flying. There is a motocross track not too far from where I live, I may ask if it would be ok to do a video flyover or at the very least be able to shoot video from above the outside fence.

Is there any apps or sites that are similar to Meetup so I could find others to fly with? (No FB please)

I set this as a discussion so if you want to post your drone photos/videos feel free. Any drone information such as new models or reviews are welcome.


Seems like drone photography is been done to dead.

Lately I have a chance of getting one, and the only thing I can think of practical to do with it, is to inspect my roof without me climbing and getting killed.

I'd be take it with me to hiking trips but drones in National Parks are banned, %^#%$ bureaucrats.

I'd definitely want a indestructible one. Crash one and bye-bye usd$hundreds.
Seems like drone photography is been done to dead.

Lately I have a chance of getting one, and the only thing I can think of practical to do with it, is to inspect my roof without me climbing and getting killed.

I'd be take it with me to hiking trips but drones in National Parks are banned, %^#%$ bureaucrats.

I'd definitely want a indestructible one. Crash one and bye-bye usd$hundreds.
Yea there a bit more restricted now which is why I went in cheaper, $160 for a bit of drone fun isn't too crazy considering the cost of "entry level" DJI drones that I've seen around $400. The parks near me are pretty drone friendly and there's not too many people out hiking so I won't need to worry much. Once I feel comfortable I'm going to use mine to scout ahead for good fishing spots plus about 30 mins away is my parents house and they own 10 acres of land with a few ponds so I can get some good videos there.

As for the crashing any decent quality unit should be able to take a crash well and only have some damage to the props if that and there fairly cheap to replace.
Got my drone finally!!!!


Now I just need to finish the last 4 hours of my shift...
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Dude i'm cracking up with reading reviews on drones in general. Not yours in particular but there are some funny stories lol.
Yea my buddy tells me some interesting ones. He also has gliders and he gets into dogfights with hawks all the time apparently which is pretty cool.

I heard these guys were pretty good.

If I get into gliders I want to build a A10 or B52 with like a 8ft wingspan.
That's pretty nice for $160. I've used Banggood and Gearbest both. Stuff takes a month to get here sometimes but it always shows up.
I want to buy one, but don't have a lot of information which would be the best. Also, I want to attach my own GoPro to drone.
I'm still pretty new to this as well but I know there are limitations to what certain drones can carry. Some larger drones should be able to accomadate one without affecting flight performance.

Something like this may work however I'm not too familiar with the Storm drones (or most drones). http://www.helipal.com/storm-drone-8-gps-flying-platform.html