Any good pc games? I'm so bored help me!


Aug 23, 2014
Any good games i could play on my rig? I'm bored, school starts up in about a week and i want to to at least start a new game before summer ends. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks :)

My Specs ( to recommend me some games i can actually run lol)

CPU: G2030 3.0Ghz
GPU: GTX 550Ti OC'd (990Mhz Core clock)
RAM: 6GB DDR3 1333Mhz

I've played skyrim, and gta sa but not oblivion or mafia. Thanks for the good recommendation! i've heard oblivion is good what about mafia? any good?
Lord of The Rings Online, free to play for first 30 or 40 levels, which is many hours of game play.
One of, if not the best free to play mmo's. Looks great, will run on your pc just fine at medium-high settings.

If you like mmo's and/or LoTR of course.

Yes, Mafia 1 is very good, playing it myself right now.


Oblivion is great
if you really need a time sink play Guild Wars 2 I just bought it last week and I loved it and if you like Skyrim you will love GW2

Mafia 1 (aka mafia the city of lost heaven) is one of the best pc games ever made, i have beated it 5 times last time i played was before summer and i really like it, oblivion too is really good
You will not to be able to play Witcher 3 on that system. Fallout New Vegas is a good game, costs next to nothing and will run on your system well. It is very similar to Skyrim mechanically. Same for Fallout 3 which is actually more stable on a dual core.