Any reason I shouldn't just go with two 270xs in xfire and just ride them out for a year or 2?


Nov 27, 2011
I tend to not like the whole "buy a card and upgrade a year later" thing. I find that newer cards drop massively in value in the first year and half, while cheaper cards already beyond the first year have already lost most of their value and will not drop and hold their value much better. since it is 2015, it seems almost all demanding games will use sli/xfire support so that's not really a problem. Games that don't bother with sli/xfire usually don't even need that kind of processing power.

I've looked over the cards and 270x seems the best dollar for dollar. And I've heard that micro stutter has been virtually eliminated and the other problems of sli/xfire only pop up when you are having low FPs, and I alsways turn games down until I get at least 45 FPs..

I usually don't play my games on max setting anyway.And I don't use crazy resolution settings, either. I've also heard there are a lot of interesting things on the horizon for graphics card under windows 10 and the whole gaming/performance scene is going get shaken up.
I dont like replacing cards often either, but I dislike Xfire/SLI midrange cards even more. The 270X was a great card for performance/$ however that trend dosent follow nearly as close in Xfire.

Its usually best to get a higher end card and ride it out, rather than get a mirdrange and try to Xfire to ride it out. It ends up costing the same, if not less, in the long run.

Ya, i subscribed to that theory at one point. But on second thought(s), I really have come to different conclusions today. I can get similar performance and save 100 bucks on my gpu setup to put in the piggybank for the next time I do an upgrade. These days I'm just finding it difficult to argue against getting the most power for the dollar when most of the sli/xfire issues are gone. it's also lesser dollar investment and there seems to be a lot of uncertainty in the future for gaming with directx and windows 10.