Any recommendations for 144hz monitors?


Apr 3, 2011
Okay, so first off, I have a GTX 960, is it pointless for me to get a 144hz monitor? I do plan to upgrade my card in the near future so I suppose getting a 144hz monitor wouldnt hurt. But I was told since my card doesn't necessarily get more than 144 fps in most game that I wouldnt be able top experience the 144hz. Is this true? or would I notice a difference even outside of gaming? And I have a couple questions regarding a couple monitors.

Benq 24" 144hz 1ms

Acer 24" 144hz 1ms

What is the difference between these two monitors besides the price? Is acer a good brand? The reviews on the acer are really good, im just skeptical. I know I cant go wrong with the benq, but if its worth saying almost $100 on the Acer than why not? Is it worth trying to save the 80 bucks?

Or should I just stick with a really good 60hz monitor considering I have a 960?
If you are not getting 144FPS a 144hz monitor would be useless. Stick with 60hz for the moment until you get a new card, then see what kinda frames you are getting, and if its around the 100+FPS then maybe look into a 144hz monitor
If you are not getting 144FPS a 144hz monitor would be useless. Stick with 60hz for the moment until you get a new card, then see what kinda frames you are getting, and if its around the 100+FPS then maybe look into a 144hz monitor