Question Any suggestions for out door use monitors ? From steam deck to glamping. DIY budget.


May 9, 2017
Hi all

I have a few projects in the works. I plane on doing some glamping/fishing. I want a 17 inch and about a 7+ inch. Odds of getting a used/broken tablet with AMOLED or OLED monitor on eBay ? I'm guesting I'm not going to find a AMOLED or OLED 17 inch monitor on a used/broken laptop.
I also want to build a steam deck. I cant decide on size of screen but I need to be fairly energy efficient. Any ideas ?

Or is LCD ok for out door use ?
Edit: LED or LCD ok for out door use ? FYI I hardly if never use a smart phone so I don't know the complications of sun and reflection.
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For something around 17" you would probably
be best off with a portable display of some sort. Some of them also have batteries built in, but I think typically portable power is equally good. I have one of these and it works fairly well:

If you're looking for something with any sort of weatherproofing I'm not aware of anything.

As for the smaller display there are a bunch of varied options from portable displays to ones without frames. Most of the options in general are going to be no-name brands from China.