I've been looking. I found one place overseas in English, and a whole bunch of Russian and Japanese sites that mention it. It's on the Iwill global site, but not on their USA site. Anybody know where to find one of these boards?
I found a place in England that sells it. If I translate the price in GB Pounds to US $, it's only like $140 or so. Should I be worried that the board is priced so incredibly far below that of the boards it looks better than, like the Supermicro or even the other Iwill boards that have slower memory but use the full Intel 7505 chipset? Every board that competes with the DH800 except for having only DDR233 memory is priced in the $300 range.
I'm just worried that they used a northbridge (correct?) chip that is designed for P4 and not for Xeons, and that multiprocessing might suffer...
That's a great link there! I don't know why it didn't occur to me that I wouldn't be able to use the DDR400 memory bus with a processor that only runs 533 FSB. 😱 I know I won't be buying Xeons more than once in the next year, so maybe it'd be better for me to get one of the boards that are already available.