Question Anyone have airflow coming out front?


Jan 4, 2024
I was wondering if anyone is using their pc exhaust to provide warm air to front to help heat a room. Rear exhaust wastes energy by heating solid surfaces usually.
I'm not sure if any are currently on the market right now, but reverse airflow case designs have been available in the past.

Lian Li used to have one. I used for a neighbor's build several years ago (long since replaced).

The sticking point with most current cases will be the PSU. Regardless, you can certainly reverse fan directions/airflow in most cases.
As long as the energy use is happening, the waste heat is occurring in the same room. The warm air of the PC might be re-directed to hit you directly if you wanted that, but you would have to be pretty close to not also get the air movement causing a cooling effect to the skin.

Honestly, running my gaming PC in a room with a closed door is more than enough to heat up a room to above comfort levels, almost year round. In my youth I used to crack two windows and get a cross breeze going to evacuate the warm air.