Anyone have any clue what to do?


Sep 1, 2009
Need some serious help here.

Put a brand new Vista Home Premium 64 bit on my rig the other day. It is fully up to date (after over 10 hours of failed installs/restoring but w/e, it's done).

I also just got in a new gtx275.

I have the current drivers from Nvidia.

Here is the issue...the computer was built April of last year and maybe saw 1 month of use. Owner went out of town and it was down for over a year. While he used it, it would randomly get strange artifacts on the screen and he'd have to reboot to make them go away.

Well about a month ago I asked him if I fixed it could I use it.

So I plug everything up and monitor says no signal, so I try monitor 2, no dice. Try re-seating gpu, no dice. Try my radeon x1950xtx in my current rig and everything goes off w/o a hitch. So while I RMA my 9800gx2 to XFX I just use the comptuer with my 1950 in it's place. This is probably a period of about 2 weeks. XFX tells me that the card was indeed faulty and they send me a gtx 275.

Well once in this entire time did I suddenly have artifacts come up on my screen. I think it's just random b/c it didn't happen after that. This is using my Radeon card.

So my new card comes in gtx 275 so I put the thing in there and it seems to run great. However on each game (Crysis, Far Cry 2, and World In Conflict) I would randomly get screen lock ups. Most often after I would go into display settings of these games and adjust them. As soon as I hit accept it would either lock up forcing a reboot, or lock up and come through with artifacts on the screen. So I am just thinking this is hopefully this old rig with tons of crap on it and just needs a clean install (at this time I am waiting on a 64 bit vista in the mail). Also not once did I get a BSOD. Just a lock up.

So the Vista comes in last Thursday. I get everything finally up and running late Friday night. The computer saw extensive use over the weekend and not on single issue.

Well while playing Far Cry 2 tonight after about 1 hour of playing I get artifacts. So I reboot. Well I take maybe a 10 minute break and start playing fallout 3. Well after 45 min of that I get artifacts and cpu locks up and I get BSOD with error:


So I Google it and research for at least 3 hours. Only thing I can find out and none of this advice seems solid...power supply, driver, bad card, and some bull crap about "under" clocking the card will fix it.

I have tried uninstalling the driver and putting a brand new one in, and even use a driver cleaning program. Use Riva and temp is not even over 50 on full blast.

I really have no clue where to begin here. Can anyone please, please help me. I literally spent from 10am Friday to around 4 am getting all my settings right, programs installed etc. And now my baby doesn't work. I am desperate. Thanks so much in advance.

Oh yeah: (Again keep in mind this was built a year ago)

OS:Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 64-bit (Now fully updated though)

Mobo: EVGA 132-CK-NF78-A1 LGA 775 NVIDIA nForce 780i SLI ATX Intel Motherboard

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Kentsfield 2.4GHz 2 x 4MB L2 Cache LGA 775 Quad-Core Processor

RAM😛atriot Extreme Performance 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel

Power: PC Power & Cooling S61EPS 610W Continuous @ 40°C EPS12V SLI Certified

GPU: XFX GX275XADQF GeForce GTX 275 896MB 448-bit DDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI
I have not done that yet. I will be doing that when I get home here in a couple of hours.

Just curious though what makes you think that is RAM related?

Thanks a ton for your reply!
Well I didn't mean to belittle that theory on fixing the issue. But I have a really good gpu and what I thought was a really good psu. I don't want to turn down the power of my card just to make it work. I guess that is me being picky. But if I have something I want it to work the way it's supposed to, ya know?

But yeah if that is the case I will just buy a more powerful PSU.

I will be leaving soon to head home and try memtest.

Thanks for all the responses. Will post updates soon. Also if anyone else has any useful information just share away. =)

-edit- My old Radeon X1950XTX had a lesser PSU and didn't have this issue. When I put it in the new rig with the higher end PSU it did happen. This is what makes me think it's not a PSU problem.

-edit2- Also if I am reading this right then the PSU and connectors are dead on yes?

psu specs:
gpu specs:
Well I checked the ram voltage and it is at 1.86v. I have never done any over clocking of anything. Should I look into upping that ram to 2.0v or just running memtest first? Thanks.
Ok set it to 2.0v and then I "think" I ran some memtests. I set my cpu to boot from cd, placed the cd in and hit key to boot from CD.

It would load a screen where I choose my cpu and then it would just "do some stuff" and then reboot the computer.

I am thinking this means no errors? Had I gotten an error it wouldn't have rebooted instantly?

Gonna put in some time on Fallout 3 to see if I can "lock it up" lol.

I ran that. I am not sure If I am doing it right though. I got the image, burned it to a dvd.

Then set cpu to boot from cd, hit enter when it said "hit key to boot from cd."

A black screen came up where I could choose my cpu, then it went to a blue screen with lots of stuff written on it, saw a % go from 0 to 100 then it would just reboot. Kept doing that over and over and over until I took cd out.

Is this how you run memtest?