Long story short, I bought a used computer off Craigslist to give to a friend, and the guy put a pirated copy of windows on it. I'm in the process of trying to get the guy to pay for the cost of a legal os, but chances are he'll be a scumbag.
In the good chance that he does end up not paying, has anyone had any experience with Open Box os's? I'm looking for the cheapest possible way to get windows 7 64 bit and there are open box 7's on Amazon for 70.
Would this still contain an unused key?
Also if anyone knows a cheaper way to get a legal os, that would be great. 7 64 bit highly preferred, but 8 and 10 aren't out of the question. It must be a 64 bit, though. Thanks for your time.
In the good chance that he does end up not paying, has anyone had any experience with Open Box os's? I'm looking for the cheapest possible way to get windows 7 64 bit and there are open box 7's on Amazon for 70.
Would this still contain an unused key?
Also if anyone knows a cheaper way to get a legal os, that would be great. 7 64 bit highly preferred, but 8 and 10 aren't out of the question. It must be a 64 bit, though. Thanks for your time.