Anyone into collecting VHS tapes and/or Laserdiscs?


Sep 1, 2021
I've slowly started this, then stopped. Tho just for the aesthetics of the art work and the tapes/discs themselves I think its fun!! Also kind of a cheap hobby overall, at least VHS tapes. Would love ideas and places to buy them in bulk rather then paying 3-7 dollars per one. Ebay seems good but ya just never know! Lol, thanks for reading and input!
They just take up way too much space, I have a few VHS tapes from my childhood that I do keep around I would never collect others, I just don't have the space for that.
And yeah, thriftstores and fleemarkets would be your best sources but always depends on where you are located.
I got rid of all my VHS tapes. I still have a few dozen LDs tho. Will never get rid of them. Still have my 919 player as well even tho I havent used it in years.