Question Anyone Know the RTX 5080 GPU Canadian Prices Yet?


Jan 1, 2018
As states, I haven't been able to find out what Canada will be charging for the 5080 GPU. I'd like to get the OC version if possible.
Agreed. I could get one if I wanted I think because in the USA we’ve got a chain of stores, though there aren’t a lot of them, but you’ve probably heard of Microcenter. Typically on a big launch like that they will limit to 1 per household to where multiple people in the same house aren’t even allowed to buy more than 1 of the same model.

That’s really what the online sellers like Newegg and Amazon should do as well for fairness, but I suspect they won’t because they probably make more money that way if all the cheaper models sell out then people probably pay whatever for the higher end ones that are left.
Well my fears were correct, but this time Nvidia screwed the pooch from the start. It seems Nvidia deliberately under shipped not very many units to outlets, making demand high. And of course the scalpers/ flippers tried to buy what was left out there. Seems they want prices raised on these units from MSRP to make more money off them.
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Can hardly get them here either. The new AMD cards are rumored to be coming in around early March so you might consider waiting and seeing what they are offering before making a final decision. I know here even any decent cards from last generation appear to be getting hard to come by anyway.
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