Anyone wanna help me out?

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Dec 31, 2007
I'm pushing to get 10000 seti units done by the end of the project which should be in a few months. I'm coming up on 7000 right now. If you've got some spare cpu cycles, I'd really really appreciate them :smile:

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First I would make a seti directory.

C:\Program Files\seti

is what I use. Then download <A HREF="http://" target="_new">the comand line version of seti</A> and <A HREF="" target="_new">SetiDriver</A>. Put both files in your seti directory, and uncompress the setidriver archive you downloaded. Start up seti driver and set your desired cache size (I use 10), select auto transmit (if you're on broadband), and hide processing. The seti command line window will pop up, and then select "use existing account" and I'll PM you an email address to enter.

Then just make a shortcut to seti driver and put it in your startup folder.

It's safe, it runs completely in the background and doesn't slow down your computer at all. Right now on my system setidriver is using 1.4 MB of ram and seti itself is using 14 MB of ram.

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Okay peeps, let's get her going.

Got an A64 @2.3 GHz
P3 450

running 24/7 and an Athlon 1 GHz running some of the time.

Got a 1.8 Pentium M on its way too.

I could really use the help :)

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I doubt that you'll get much help seeing as most people are part of Tom's folding@home team (team #40051).

Once you have reached your SETI goal it would be greatly appreciated if you would join Folding Team #40051.

Have a nice day.
Meh, I'm almost there... but I'm gonna continue with seti. I crunch for TeAm Anandtech... 5th in the world right now :)

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I have 9898 units so far, should reach 10000 without outside help :). Have been crunching data for SETI@Home for over 3 years now... I use SETI Driver & command line client to do the job, the hardware is P4 2.8 Northwood, plus some small fishes (one old P4 1.4 Wilamette, one Celeron 2GHz).
BTW I have discovered that it is not completly true that SETI does not slow other programs down. Try plying Joint Operations : Typhoon Rising with SETI in the background, and the game will crawl. Turning off SETI makes game fly. But JO:TR is the only program I know that is affected by SETI@Home process.
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