Apartment (condo) Ethernet Wiring help


Dec 22, 2015
I moved into a new apartment and connected to the internet through TWC (coax cable) with a modem connected to a router.
Every room has a panel with a coaxial connection and a port labeled CAT5e.

I was hoping to find a way to take advantage of the CAT5e wiring to connect my different devices in the other rooms.
I've searched for a while to find out where the cables terminate and finally found CAT5e cables in the basement (it's a condo, I'm on the 4th floor).
Only one cable is labelled with my apartment number on it, but there are a few other cables that are not labeled at all.

The cable seems to have some of it's internal wires connected to a box that says Verizon DSL and to another Telephony box but I'm not sure.
Here's a picture: http://i.imgur.com/1eGVzlk.jpg

This now feels way over my head-- can anyone either recommend what I can do or who I can talk to for help on this matter?
Really appreciated, in advance.

Don't understand this. Aren't they currently inside the wall and terminated on a plate?

It seems to me that it's used either for telephony or for Verizon's DSL service.
These are the same thing. An inbound DSL service simply uses your current phone wiring.

Any chance you know who I should talk to in the NY/Brooklyn area? Or otherwise what kind of professional am I looking for?
If this was a standard thing, and everybody do the same thing, that would be easy, but the prior owner may had done a custom job so who knows. When I bought my place, I notice some wires and concluded they are for alarm and I asked the realtor if there is a record...
Talk to management/neighbors?

That single CAT5 you found is used for phone, notice not all of its wires are connected. If those room jacks you found is indeed intended for ethernet networking, the junction should be inside your unit.

Am gonna go the CATe junction is at or near the coax junction.
Yes-- so that was the first thing I tried-- management has 'no idea' and the neighbors didn't even know what I'm talking about.
I don't think the jacks were intended for Ethernet use-- I'm now thinking that I should bring an electrician(?) and my only question is if I can somehow use the pre-existing wiring to make that easier and concealed.
It seems to me that it's used either for telephony or for Verizon's DSL service.

Any chance you know who I should talk to in the NY/Brooklyn area? Or otherwise what kind of professional am I looking for?

Don't understand this. Aren't they currently inside the wall and terminated on a plate?

It seems to me that it's used either for telephony or for Verizon's DSL service.
These are the same thing. An inbound DSL service simply uses your current phone wiring.

Any chance you know who I should talk to in the NY/Brooklyn area? Or otherwise what kind of professional am I looking for?
If this was a standard thing, and everybody do the same thing, that would be easy, but the prior owner may had done a custom job so who knows. When I bought my place, I notice some wires and concluded they are for alarm and I asked the realtor if there is a record how my place was wired and he gave me that look like, "you are on you own buddy!" and this realtor has lots of handyman/improvement connections.

Contact you ISP, am sure they know local people who can deal with this.