everyone here is forgetting one main thing.
all cpus currently are fast enough for almost all tasks on a consumer, and non server professional level.
most of what use to be the most demanding tasks you could ask a cpu to do, are being offloaded to the gpu, and with apple useing a precieved worse cpu, it may force the few remaining programs to integrate the gpu.
now when you get to the gpu level, intel cant compete, and nvidia charges insane prices (or they get insane markeups, i dont know which) for their gpus
really, the laptop market is honestly a place where amd could easily dominate if the programs would get with the damn times, as their cpus are fast enough, even the bulldozers could out preform for their price, and even in areas where they lacked power, those can be outsouced to the gpu.
and from anicotal statements, the bulldozer was better at multitasking than the i7 series due to having more of a core than a logical, at may not have been as fast per clock, but definalty had uses.
and with improvements, they will reach the same performance of the current i7, remember bulldozer was the first of amds multithreading solution... did the p4 preform well when it first came out, or did it take till the i7 for people to even consider giving it anothter chance