[citation][nom]ibnmuhammad[/nomApple created Thunderbolt... along with Intel, and they've innovated in countless fields (Firewire, custom-designed CPU's, UI design, ergonomics, craftmanship, etc).[/citation]
Thunderbolt wasn't created by Apple "along with intel", it was created by Intel that used Apple's products as a vehicle to slowly integrate it into the mainstream market. even intel knew that the only place such an expensive connection interface would fly is in Apple-land. Everyone else would point out that it's over-priced, and mostly useless since there are very few products (back then, perhaps none at all) that use it.
Plus the original form of Thunderbolt was Light Peak, which was supposed to use optical channels.
Firewire, though better than USB 2.0 in the sense that it was independent of the host's processor speed, never really took off and is all but dead today.
They're making custom designed CPUs NOW. And who isn't? Intel's made them forever, Samsung is, Qualcomm is, TI is, AMD is, Nvidia is, IBM, PowerPC, PowerVR...the list's endless.
UI design. Again, what's new? Icons? Home screens? Touch interfaces? They've done a good job, no doubt, but then somehow implying no one else has, is slightly sad.
Same goes for ergonomics and craftsmanship. Even my Xbox 360 controller can be considered innovative as far as ergonomics and craftsmanship is concerned, it's even patented, but i'm not going to use that to give M$ "DA BESTEST" award.
Point is, give credit where it's due and troll companies where they act shitty.
I brought up the point that i did above because it's valid. I recognize that the A6/A6X is one of the best SoCs in the market because it's valid and true.
Be balanced, FFS.