News Apple Discontinues iMac Pro Workstation: Get It While Supplies Last

  1. Come out with a stunning top-end product.
  2. Let it rot for years with minimal/zero changes.
  3. Discontinue it with no clear roadmap or successor.
  4. Wonder why you're not taken seriously in the the real pro market.
  1. Come out with a stunning top-end product.
  2. Let it rot for years with minimal/zero changes.
  3. Discontinue it with no clear roadmap or successor.
  4. Wonder why you're not taken seriously in the the real pro market.

While I somewhat agree on the first 3, the 4 is way off - at least in the media and design market which they dominate.
While I somewhat agree on the first 3, the 4 is way off - at least in the media and design market which they dominate.

Apple lost the design and 3D market long ago . Today they are just used for Video editing. and this is software related not hardware related . If some software house managed to make better software , no one would touch any MAC.
Apple lost the design and 3D market long ago . Today they are just used for Video editing. and this is software related not hardware related . If some software house managed to make better software , no one would touch any MAC.

I work in media. Every company and design employee we deal with in the West Coast, Mid-West, East Coast, UK, and the rest of Europe are overwhelmingly Mac. And not only in the office but at home.

Video editing? Both Adobe and Avid are available on both Mac and PC (and obviously FCPX in Mac only). All of these products are well supported on the Mac platform.

You are correct with 3D, but that is no surprise. That started over almost 2 decades ago.
I work in media. Every company and design employee we deal with in the West Coast, Mid-West, East Coast, UK, and the rest of Europe are overwhelmingly Mac. And not only in the office but at home.

The only reason for Apples strangle hold on media creation in Canada is that students are taught to use macs for media creation in Uni. They are NOT intrinsically easier to use or better for performance, it's almost cult-like here on the west coast.