Apple Gearing Up Stores for "Army" of New Devices

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This is contradictory information. First, Cook complains about low sales in their own stores, as opposed to carrier's stores, then complains about carrier stores selling other phones, too, implying that they do not sell enough fruit? Carrier's stores sell too little, or too much (compared to Apple's stores)? Which is it?
BTW, it's not the salesperson fault if consumers choose a different device than the fruit-bearing one; it's just that people have learned to see past the shiny logo and realized that others have better devices. If one walks in a carrier's store and asks for the best devices available, they get pointed towards HTC One or Galaxy S4; can't fault the salespeople for telling the truth.

No, this isn't contradictory. It even says in the article that the carriers providing incentive to salespeople for not selling iPhones is what prompted the summit in the first place...
The recent summit is reportedly in retaliation against carrier stores who are reportedly providing incentives to salespeople who sell devices that are not iPhones

This means they are not pleased with the sales in the carrier stores and are looking for alternatives.

Fact is, EVERY phone manufacturer can have this same complaint. No carrier, be it Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc, has the manufacturers best interest at heart. It behooves each maker to protect their brands and such.

But the problem Apple, and every other cell phone maker has, is that while their is some good reasons to buy a non subsidized phones, those reasons are not necessarily reason enough for most people to do it. Until the carriers offer non subsidized calling plans, in other words, a plan that is cheaper if you bring your own device, there is not much reason to go and pay $650 or more for a phone when you pay the same amount per month for your cell phone plan had you just bought the phone at the subsidized price of $200 or less.

When you go into a store asking for the best phone, they give you the best phone which is not apple, be it the s4, HTC one, etc. Sales people make commission and that's their incentive to sell. Apple is feeling threatened that the consumer is being more educated about what the better product is.
When you go into a store asking for the best phone, they give you the best phone which is not apple, be it the s4, HTC one, etc. Sales people make commission and that's their incentive to sell. Apple is feeling threatened that the consumer is being more educated about what the better product is.

This is so not true. They push the phone that the carrier sees as their current flagship phone. They most certainly do not push their best phone.

For one thing, best is a subjective term. There are many good phones and features from one phone may suit one person's needs while another phone's features are suitable for another person. But the carriers will even ignore what you tell them you want in a phone to push the current "it" phone. And the carrier's certainly aren't educating people on better phones.

Retarded marketing team: Duh, we are not selling enough iphone from the istore directly. It's not because it's expensive, it's not because we got a new plug out and people will have to buy adapters, it's not because the new iphone is pretty much similar to the old one. I know lets load the store with them , people will come and buy it..
Sounds like a team of igenius right there! Mr. Jobs must be turning in his grave!

Thanks for this comment. It just made me laugh so hard and is the best summary for the whole article. Nothing more needs to be said :)
iPhone is a year old and the other phones are weeks to months old. Wouldn't you push the latest and greatest gadget if you worked retail?!?
Make me an iPhone the size of an iPad Mini with a battery that will last 3 days and the duribility of a tank like my RAZR MAXX and I'm on board. That'll never happen.
Occasionally, I like iOS' simplicity but that little screen compared to the S4.... iOS7 looks great indeed but so does the iOS7 theme I have on my S4.
People are just seeing that there are many more choices and that iPhone is just one of many and arguably not the best. Sorry Apple.
I bought a 64g ip5 on contract simply cause it saved 100bucks over the 2 year period. The sales guy did try get me to look at android a couple of times which annoyed me since my mind was made up due to the fact I have used the s4 and htc one that my friends have and I don't like them. More like jump aboard the glitchy android train if you ask me. No thanks.

I can sympathize with your sentiment as I nearly settled on the same iP5. ...but coming out of a Note 2 I've already learned to embrace "the glitchy android train". None of them are perfect but it seems I'd rather at least ride the "glitchy android train" and have some control over the experience than ride on the "iOS" subway and be tied to my seat with my arms and legs bound.

My carrier of choice offered both a 32GB S4 bundled with a 16GB Galaxy Note 8.0 for $50 more than I would have paid for just an 64GB iP5. ...I took the bait.

That's because no one wants to use an e-reader or a tablet as a phone. Cmon, don't you think this is getting ridiculous? No one want's a 6" phone except you. That's a phablet, not a smartphone.
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