Apple Goes Silent, As Telegram CEO Accuses It Of Blocking Updates

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Will be interesting to see what Apple decides to do. Can you post a follow up to this article once a decision is made so we know what happens?
My apology, I got an error on the page showing that my comments were not going through, then when the screen updated there were three. I don't see a way to remove comments I made so would like to take the moment to ask for such a feature in the future.
@Bluemax: That's a bug and it happens to everyone. Use the "Comment from the forum" option and there you could remove your duplicate posts.
Sounds just like Apple and their client base. Out of touch and they think their logo will just magically solve all of life problems, for 3x's the cost.
I wonder if this is a legal issue or just worried about the power of Telegram in terms of reach. Thus causing Apple to think if they can develop a similar app to steal the users.
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