[citation][nom]willard[/nom]You know, I may be the only one here, but I really don't care very much about natural language search. It's easy enough to use a few key phrases. For example, on Android phones (which have had voice command for years, Apple was certainly not the first to the party) you can say "Navigate to..." and give it a destination. Being able to talk to my phone like it's a person doesn't add much for me, because I can already control the phone just fine with my voice.Natural language search is a very important topic of research, but it's simply not ready for primetime and the alternatives that have been on the market for years work just fine.[/citation]
look at dragon... when you have a good mic, holy crap is that a wonderful program... if i had more ram i would keep it open 24/7... but i just dont have that kind of ram.