An answer that has to be given " Why didn't Apple look for Gradiente to reach an agreement? " Apple used the trademark for 5 (FIVE) years, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 e 2012 and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER looked for Gradiente to pay for it. It looks like Apple is the smartest company in the world. In Brazil, now Apple tries to get the trademark under law, but showed NO RESPECT AT ALL for the Brazilians laws, country and clients. Why didn't Apple look for Gradiente? Is it the kind of arrogance that a company that talks about and have the word "Ethics" in its statement should give? Its a SHAME. No doubts the products are amazing but it doesn't give Apple to right to use such dirty strategy. FIVE YEARS USING A TRADEMARK THAT BELONGS TO ANOTHER COMPANY "GRADIENTE". SHAMEEE.....IT'S SHAME IN THE MARKET !!! SHAME ON YOU, APPLE.... WE THINK IT IS A COMPANY OF GOOD PEOPLE NOT THIEVES, THEM SHOW US THAT ETHICS WORKS OUT SIDE OF THE DOORS OF APPLE.