According to Anand (granted that he is a huge biased iFanboi), the Nexus 4 isn't really comparable to the iPhone5 as far as performance goes: . So the price differential in this case might be justified (if for what ever reason you really, really must have the fastest phone possible).Why would you get this when you could get an unlocked nexus 4 for $350 16gb (300 for 8gb)?
Plus the nexus 4 has one of the strongest CPU/GPU combo
According to Anand (granted that he is a huge biased iFanboi), the Nexus 4 isn't really comparable to the iPhone5 as far as performance goes: . So the price differential in this case might be justified (if for what ever reason you really, really must have the fastest phone possible).Why would you get this when you could get an unlocked nexus 4 for $350 16gb (300 for 8gb)?
Plus the nexus 4 has one of the strongest CPU/GPU combo