NOBODY here has sufficient knowledge to know if Apple's claims are baseless or not. That would probably be very difficult to figure out, though I doubt Apple would put this out there if there wasn't a strong claim.
Yes, some companies sue to mess with people's business but this doesn't feel like that.
And whatever you think of Apple pricing (as said elsewhere in the comments) that has nothing to do with the issue.
We DO want to prevent monopolies from bullying. If Apple does that, then hey let's get them in court too but that's a separate issue.
(and while I'm here... the new Macbook Pro that requires dongles... not even an HDMI output. WTF? People don't want sleekness to the point of unusability, plus adding those dongles creates a WORSE mess on the desk and MORE compatibility headaches. Heck, the NETWORK got disabled just trying to capture a video input... sigh!)