Apple Wants Another $707 Million from Samsung

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Get them Apple! Wipe Samsung off the planet! Hahaha. Maybe Samsung will think twice before they blatantly copy Apple, the most innovative company in the world.

Sent from my iPhone 5
wiping Samsung off the planet would leave you with a phone without memory, display, and processor. Apple does make the aluminum body. You would have that at least.
BTW Apple has not invented a whole lot since the apple 2. They simply improved on some existing tech. Just like Samsung has done with the galaxy S lineup. Even the S2 is better than the iphone 5
[citation][nom]seels[/nom]Get them Apple! Wipe Samsung off the planet! Hahaha. Maybe Samsung will think twice before they blatantly copy Apple, the most innovative company in the world.Sent from my iPhone 5[/citation]
Pot calling the kettle black, I would think that you would kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
When Apple states it's not about the money, they do somewhat have a point. If I made a successful product, and another company used similar features, I'd be pissed. When they sue Samsung, they're probably pissing them off, which to me, seems like their goal. Samsung doesn't want to be sued, so the lawsuit will drive them to rid of all possible similarities. Personally, that's what I define as innovation. Finding other ways to accomplish similar tasks without infringing on other's ideas. Honestly, 1B isn't that much when you're talking about Apple. Why would they be so persistent about such a frivolous amount in relativity?
[citation][nom]alexthager[/nom]When Apple states it's not about the money, they do somewhat have a point. If I made a successful product, and another company used similar features, I'd be pissed. When they sue Samsung, they're probably pissing them off, which to me, seems like their goal. Samsung doesn't want to be sued, so the lawsuit will drive them to rid of all possible similarities. Personally, that's what I define as innovation. Finding other ways to accomplish similar tasks without infringing on other's ideas. Honestly, 1B isn't that much when you're talking about Apple. Why would they be so persistent about such a frivolous amount in relativity?[/citation]

sorry but buying small companies, that spent the manhours and money to develop a great feature, and renaming it something with "i" in front of it and calling it your own isn't innovation. even if you take that previously created design or technology and advertise it b/c of your name.

that is all apple does; that attempt to "innovate" by buying small companies and adding eye candy and the letter "i" in front and ppl flock to buy that shit.

in essence; samsung is doing the very same, not buying what apple beautified but changing key features even if they are the slightest changes.

honestly; apple is the one pissed and feel its necessary to sue b/c they are threatened and have noticed a drop in sales due to samsung's success.

also; who the fuck patents (or can be allowed to patent) pinch and zoom? it appears to me; that apple has someone on the inside of the US Patents office and hooks them up with some of the most outrageous and stupid patents, ones that don't even make sense to be able to patent.

i've said it time and time again, apple is complete shit. their products are junk and outdated by years upon release and for some reason they think that suing is a good idea? sucks. i bet steve jobs is looking at his company now and saying WTF!?!? YOU IDIOTS!

and attempting to ban a device? seriously? when the fuck did the banning of devices start? only a few years ago, right? fucking stupid. you never saw this type of shit b4 the iphone was released but now, like usual, apple is trying to dicate what users can and can't do AND what users can and can't use.
[citation][nom]j2j663[/nom]What a shocker, Apple does nothing and wants more money for it.[/citation]

no what apple want's is a market where only apple ahs the sole tablet pc available. iof samsung loses this tablet lovers are in for a hurt, Ms ahs it's win 8 tab around teh corner but suggested pricing is putting it near the 1000 dollar range , basscially this will leave apple NO competition in the 400-600 price range , they'll dominate easy in sales. on top of it they'll get paid a fortune to bassically set up a court sanctioned monopoly. no apple certainly doesn't need to win this. i hope they fail msierably.
[citation][nom]seels[/nom]Get them Apple! Wipe Samsung off the planet! Hahaha. Maybe Samsung will think twice before they blatantly copy Apple, the most innovative company in the world.Sent from my iPhone 5[/citation]
actually i may have to reassess my downvote... i think you just trolled us all hard. 9/10
[citation][nom]filmman03[/nom]sorry but buying small companies, that spent the manhours and money to develop a great feature, and renaming it something with "i" in front of it and calling it your own isn't innovation. even if you take that previously created design or technology and advertise it b/c of your name.that is all apple does; that attempt to "innovate" by buying small companies and adding eye candy and the letter "i" in front and ppl flock to buy that essence; samsung is doing the very same, not buying what apple beautified but changing key features even if they are the slightest changes.honestly; apple is the one pissed and feel its necessary to sue b/c they are threatened and have noticed a drop in sales due to samsung's success.also; who the fuck patents (or can be allowed to patent) pinch and zoom? it appears to me; that apple has someone on the inside of the US Patents office and hooks them up with some of the most outrageous and stupid patents, ones that don't even make sense to be able to patent. i've said it time and time again, apple is complete shit. their products are junk and outdated by years upon release and for some reason they think that suing is a good idea? sucks. i bet steve jobs is looking at his company now and saying WTF!?!? YOU IDIOTS!and attempting to ban a device? seriously? when the fuck did the banning of devices start? only a few years ago, right? fucking stupid. you never saw this type of shit b4 the iphone was released but now, like usual, apple is trying to dicate what users can and can't do AND what users can and can't use.[/citation]
i agre patening pinch and zoom is like patenting double clicking or waving hello, it's just bogus patent and retarded.
[citation][nom]demonhorde665[/nom]i agre patening pinch and zoom is like patenting double clicking or waving hello, it's just bogus patent and retarded.[/citation]
haha that's a good point; i didn't even think about a double click.

what i've also noticed, which i think is strange, is that apple is ONLY suing companies for mobile devices. maybe i just haven't found the articles of apple suing over something w/ their laptops or desktops or even cinema displays but i don't think i've ever read them suing with that stuff... its just strange that it is only Mobile Devices. yes i get the market is all about mobile stuff these days; but b4 touch screen mobile devices were widely used, apple seemed quite. but now that they are being challenged in a new market with new technology they can't keep up so they sue. rofl.
Since the Supreme Court ruled that a company is a "person" (seriously?), I'm surprised Apple hasn't yet sued its competitors for "emotional damage" over the infringements. You know... 'cause Samsung and HTC are have been soo meaaan... 😉
[citation][nom]technoholic[/nom]All of you complain and critisize Apple's attitude in these law suits yet many of you still purchase that iCrap. That phone sold 2 million units at the first freaking day![/citation]

obviously if people are critisizing apple here they were not part of the people that bought the iphone or the ipad. you do realize that 2 milion makes less than 1 percent of the world population or less. so relaly that's not that many people in the larger picture. just accusing people of being hypocrits is the biggest a-- thing some one can do and that is EXACTLY what you just did , because i critisize the f--- out of apple , and you know what i never bought a SINGLE apple product infact I like many people here avoid buying any thing related to apple , hell i don't even buy foxconn mainboards because foxconn is in bed with apple. so take your smart A-- remark and shove it dude.
[citation][nom]filmman03[/nom]haha that's a good point; i didn't even think about a double click. what i've also noticed, which i think is strange, is that apple is ONLY suing companies for mobile devices. maybe i just haven't found the articles of apple suing over something w/ their laptops or desktops or even cinema displays but i don't think i've ever read them suing with that stuff... its just strange that it is only Mobile Devices. yes i get the market is all about mobile stuff these days; but b4 touch screen mobile devices were widely used, apple seemed quite. but now that they are being challenged in a new market with new technology they can't keep up so they sue. rofl.[/citation]

oh look up history of the IBM PC and apple of the 70's and 80's, i believe there were quite a few massive court battles over those, though obviously apple lost those in the end.
[citation][nom]keither5150[/nom]Samsung really needs to end relations with Apple. pinch to zoom and bounce back, these things are worth hundreds of millions of dollars? Good luck finding another supplier that can keep up with Apple's display, memory, and processor demand. Nobody mistakenly buys a Samsung product thinking that it is an Apple product. The new iphone 5 finally caught up to the galaxy S2.... good job! Apple is just a piece of crap recipe company.[/citation]

Both ideas not created by Apple but somehow they got the patent award for them.h
[citation][nom]demonhorde665[/nom]oh look up history of the IBM PC and apple of the 70's and 80's, i believe there were quite a few massive court battles over those, though obviously apple lost those in the end.[/citation]
gotcha. since that it would seem that apple just did its thing while the other computer companies did their thing. just odd to me that apple is now a company that sues rather than trying to release something bigger, better, and overall the best.... pretty much the motive of any real company that has ethics.
[citation][nom]shafe88[/nom]Tell me how in the hell someone can patent pinching your fingers to zoom. What's Apple going to patent, using your finger as a touch screen stylist.[/citation]

At least I wasn't the only one thinking how the heck they were allowed to patent that. I thought the patent system was for protecting inventors inventions so they can have a chance at making a profit there is no invention here just a different way to interface with something which required little innovation. And I am betting someone has probably done this well before Apple too.
I used to be PRO-Apple for their success with iOS products. The only I ever bought as an iPad, and was looking at getting an iPad3 or iPad4. I will NOT buy ANY apple products because of their stupid lawsuits.

Nor would I recommend anyone else buy them.

I will buy an Android tablet in-spite of Apple. not intrested in anything from Microsoft.
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