Apple Working on Fix for Snow Leopard Data Loss

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Oct 24, 2007
[citation][nom]Rab1d-BDGR[/nom]Seriously, how wasn't this picked up and zapped in beta? I hope anyone who did the upgrade install had the sense to back up their important stuff to an external drive first.No matter what OS you prefer, never underestimate the importance of backup.[/citation]Maybe because almost no one enables the Guest account? I used t disable the Guest account on Winddows machine before finally disabled it by default. It's disabled by default in Mac OS X as well, so there aren't many people using it. The only people affected by this are those who:
1. Enabled the Guest account prior to installing Snow Leopard, and
2. Did an in-place upgrade to Snow Leopard rather than doing a "clean install"

While the potential for data loss makes this a serious issue, only a very small group of users are potentially affected. It would have been easy to miss that in beta testing given the very uncommon conditions under which it can occur.

Then again, anyone who performed an OS upgrade without making a backup first was foolish and careless. Especially, given that Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) includes Time Machine, an automatic backup feature that is trivial to set up and use, and that Carbon Copy Cloner is $10 shareware and it also makes it trivial to make complete backups of a drive. Bottom line, the users have to accept responsibility for failing to back up their data.


Apr 17, 2009
[citation][nom]V8VENOM[/nom]I've never actually used the OSX Guest account so I've never had the problem. But I am surprised Apple actually admitted to a problem. [...Ranting and blather deleted for brevity and sanity...][/citation]
Nobody here is impressed (well, except maybe Regulas and the other Apple fanboys) by your self-aggrandizing statements professing your extensive proficiency in every operating system known to man. The fact remains that Apple is just another operating system. That it has fewer bugs is a testament to nothing more than the fact that the developers only have a limited number of hardware configurations to worry about; as opposed to non-constrained OS developers which have to contend with an inconceivable number of permutations in hardware configurations. Apple used to be IT when it came to desktop publishing, video editing, and graphics design. Now, PCs can do the job just as well, and for far less money. The vast majority of businesses use Windows-based PCs. Since businesses are productivity driven, you would think that if Apple was that much better, we would see more of an even distribution.

I could go on and on, but I think I’ve made my point. I like PCs because it allows me to customize my own hardware and software according to my wants and needs, not that of Steve Jobs. Sometimes what I need is on a Linux partition; sometimes it’s on a Windows partition. I have YET to need an Apple platform.


Oct 20, 2008
[citation][nom]V8VENOM[/nom]I am surprised Apple actually admitted to a problem. [/citation]

Just because you haven't encountered bugs and especially because Apple rarely admits the bugs are there does NOT mean that the bug aren't there.

And you're clearly not an Apple fanboy at all /sarcasm

Seriously you took up a huge part of the comment area with your rant. ( -1 )

Get a life, not a Mac


Apr 8, 2009
Will there be a commercial of the apple guy entering to the windows guy home as a gest and going out of the backdoor with the PC Hardrive? That guy always looked like a burglar to me until apple whippedout his background.


Oct 24, 2007
So, I got rate down for pointing out that this problem is serious, but rare, and therefore could easily have been missed in beta testing? Or maybe I got rated down for pointing out that it's foolish to perform an OS upgrade without making a backup first?

Oh, I forgot, this is Tomshardware, where you get rated down for failure to bash Apple at every opportunity.


Almost as bad as M$ owned Danger deleting ALL sidekick users data.
Its still, a fkn embarrassment, but at least for Apple, things like this don't happen frequently and aren't systemwide.


Aug 13, 2009
[citation][nom]jellico[/nom]Nobody here is impressed (well, except maybe Regulas and the other Apple fanboys) by your self-aggrandizing statements professing your extensive proficiency in every operating system known to man. The fact remains that Apple is just another operating system. That it has fewer bugs is a testament to nothing more than the fact that the developers only have a limited number of hardware configurations to worry about; as opposed to non-constrained OS developers which have to contend with an inconceivable number of permutations in hardware configurations. Apple used to be IT when it came to desktop publishing, video editing, and graphics design. Now, PCs can do the job just as well, and for far less money. The vast majority of businesses use Windows-based PCs. Since businesses are productivity driven, you would think that if Apple was that much better, we would see more of an even distribution.I could go on and on, but I think I’ve made my point. I like PCs because it allows me to customize my own hardware and software according to my wants and needs, not that of Steve Jobs. Sometimes what I need is on a Linux partition; sometimes it’s on a Windows partition. I have YET to need an Apple platform.[/citation]

Jellico hit the nail on the head. I am no fanboy of said OS (Linux, OSX, Windows, etc), I use what is in my best interest and that for now is Windows. As a gamer and having kids, I need at least four computers. Also being a IT Person for one of the top20 Fortune 500 company who uses 95% Windows bas systems and 5% unix, it helps me in everyday IT support. Windows is not the best (and I can list a hundred page of things), but it works for the average joe/jane.
1) OSX can be installed on any type of hardware
2) OSX has 40% - 50% market share

For you Apple Fanboys, until Apple acomplish the above two scenario, relish in your glory - blind glory that is. Because once it happens, Apple's list of bugs, security holes, hackers, viruses, etc; will increase 100 folds.


Aug 21, 2008
[citation][nom]V8VENOM[/nom]I've never actually used the OSX Guest account so I've never had the problem. But I am surprised Apple actually admitted to a problem.Jellico,So your arguement is that one relatively insignificant bug that affects almost no one, is therefore justification that Apple is not a better OS? With logic like that, I can see you going far in life, you might even making it to McDonalds store manager! Bravo!Would you like me to list some of the Windows 7 bugs? How about Vista bugs? or WinXP bugs? You wanna really compare or do you just wanna make stuff up as you go? Do you even own a Mac? Let alone Snow Leopard OS?Fanboys are those of you that comment on hardware/software you have NO experience with on a day to day basis. You wanna talk about something, then own it and use for a while, otherwise you're a fanboy (doesn't matter if you talk about OSX vs Windows vs Linux or ATI vs nVidia or Intel vs. AMD) -- if you have no regular experience in the subject your talking about, then you have NO creditibilty and you're indeed a fanboy.Since I work with several operating systems day in and day out, I can assure you the bugs I've encountered in OSX are far far far less than under WinXP, Vista, Win7, Win Server 2008, and the numerous other flavors of Windows. Oh and Linux has bugs too. All OS's have bugs, the key difference is the quantity and impact of those bugs AND more importantly how they are resolved. Windows (all versions) are by far the buggest OS's I've had to develop on and for.Regulas,I agree with you, the fanboy ignorance in this place is THICK.BiometricsGuy,So you hate Apple - why? Because OSX will not load on hardware other than Apple's hardware/EFI? (at least not without EFI hacking, but a simple EFI dump on existing Mac hardware and then finding compatible hardware/motherboard to load the EFI dump on would solve that problem). I use and enjoy Linux -- it's very cool to be able to load OS components and reduce one's footprint and have a very efficient OS specific to my needs. But you realize OSX is just a compilation also right?? At it's heart the kernel is unix, only difference being the components selected and the EFI Apple proprietary firmware.Assume you are aware of this: [...] intro.htmlLinux is a favorite amoung hackers for the very reason it's easy to build your own OS (something neither Apple nor Microsoft would ever want). Heck, I've made Linux boot CD's to hack into Microsoft account passwords (at least to clear them so there is no password) which will gain me access to ANY Windows PC (including Windows 7). Of course I need physical access, but so much for Windows 7 security.Every OS has "issues", but the how a company deals with those issues is the key. Windows was built on no security (yes, going back to the DOS days and the 80's now, that's how long I've been doing this), patch to get some security, and some key design decisions were made at Microsoft to NOT do security the right way because it would have broken compatibility -- and at the time compatibility was Windows selling point and reason it was taking marketshare. So rather than do security right, they opt'd for $$$ easy road. Unix/OSX, security has always been at it's core. So what we have today is a band aid OS called WinXP, Vista, Windows 7 that's just getting more and more complex with more and more interactions that just no longer work.Microsoft need to stop the band aids, and build a proper OS from scratch dumping compatibility. Why they will NOT do this is simple, it would be admitting Apple's approach is actually the better concept. This IS the fundamental decision that Ballmer refuses to accept - he's going down with the ship and if you look at OS marketshare it's a pretty clear picture of Microsoft's slow but steady decline.[/citation]
+1, for all m$ fankiddies ("windblow$ rulez")
[citation][nom]geoffs[/nom]So, I got rate down for pointing out that this problem is serious, but rare, and therefore could easily have been missed in beta testing? Or maybe I got rated down for pointing out that it's foolish to perform an OS upgrade without making a backup first?Oh, I forgot, this is Tomshardware, where you get rated down for failure to bash Apple at every opportunity.[/citation]
You forgot microcrap and gaming o$ praising, obligatory for wintards.


Jun 14, 2007
If it's a major bug LIKE THAT... why they don't make a fix faster... It's been 2-3 months since Show 3.6 is out...

Apple always freak me OUT!...
It's not a question about fanboy... They just freak me OUT each times they have a bug... It's always to "owner" the problem.
The "owner" is a buyer in this case... did you bash your buyer telling them., "Mac OS is PERFECT and you're the problem" ?
And this take 2 months just found... they have a problem...

MS have bugs but at least when you have a problem, they try to fix it and it's FAST!


Oct 14, 2009
Well, at least it isn't a virus, because macs don't get them. Viruses are bad!!

what are you talking about wow you got to be kidding me. you really listen to the apple adds. why dont you look into something before you state something..
so please dont lie to us and state this crap when you dont know. mac is software, windows is software. even the os i use has viruses and root kits i use linux.. so please think before you talk it only makes you look more retarted


Oct 14, 2009
I hate when people say apple is perfect.. the average person can't see all the faults with apple by just looking at it, but I can! I had one of my eyes blown out in vietnam, thanks to microsoft I have a new mechanical functioning eye that shows me all the things wrong with MacOS by looking at a desktop.


Aug 13, 2009
[citation][nom]thebigt42[/nom]Yet another reason to NEVER EVER do an OS upgrade...ALWAYS do a clean install![/citation]

Which requires you to use the "Guest" feature. [citation][nom]Miharu[/nom]If it's a major bug LIKE THAT... why they don't make a fix faster... It's been 2-3 months since Show 3.6 is out...Apple always freak me OUT!...It's not a question about fanboy... They just freak me OUT each times they have a bug... It's always to "owner" the problem.The "owner" is a buyer in this case... did you bash your buyer telling them., "Mac OS is PERFECT and you're the problem" ?And this take 2 months just found... they have a problem...MS have bugs but at least when you have a problem, they try to fix it and it's FAST![/citation]
That is the difference between Apple and MS. Apple blames its owner and is slow to fix bugs and security issues. MS seems to patch things rather quick. Though I have to say, OSX ease of use is more superior to MS. I'd still rather have my MS Gamming rig though.


Sep 1, 2009
Wow, this broke down to an OS brawl pretty quickly. This is a major issue, and I'm glad that Apple is owning up to and working on a fix. The most telling thing will be how long it takes for them to deploy the fix.

As for the OS wars, I've used Windows, OS 10, and Linux. Granted I've spent most of my time with Windows, but I have used the others enough to experience bugs with them as well. It's not that any one of them is better than the others. Each one has pros and cons. If you want computability Windows is your best choice. If you want to customize your OS experience exactly the way you want it choose Linux. If you are less specific about the hardware you use and especially if you are doing audio or video editing, than OS 10 is your best option.

I do a lot of video/audio editing and have use several application on both Mac PCs and Windows PCs. I love Apple's software and I believe it to be the best, though I'm sure there are many software packages I have not used. The downside to using a Mac is the Apple tax, which is why I love people like Psystar, but if you're willing to pay twice the price, awesome. Also, if people are willing to pay that price, great for Apple. Keep up the competition. The consumer wins.


Jan 22, 2009
Every OS has Viruses and bugs including Mac OS and Linux (the just run faster through Linux machines). No OS is perfect and I've had Macs kernal panic as much as I've had blue screens or kernal panics with linux. Personally I like Windows because they offer a better software library and support.
I also agree with geoffs in that if you aren't a complete idiot before you upgrade do a backup but then again that's why tech people get paid so much to fix the mistakes of morons.


Jun 10, 2009

Crap, was my sarcasm light not on? :sarcastic: You know what really makes someone look retarded? Your spelling a grammar.


Oct 24, 2007
[citation][nom]Miharu[/nom]If it's a major bug LIKE THAT... why they don't make a fix faster... It's been 2-3 months since Show 3.6 is out...And this take 2 months just found... they have a problem...MS have bugs but at least when you have a problem, they try to fix it and it's FAST![/citation]And just how long did it take MS to admit to, find, and fix the data corruption but with Windows Home Server?

Don't make assertions that you can't back up. As another poster mentioned, all software has bugs. How the vendor responds is 5x as important as the fact that they found a bug. Some bugs are harder to reproduce and identify than others. That's just how development works.
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