Question Arctic Cooling Liquid Freezer II-420 in R5

Crimson Morrow

Oct 23, 2022
Anybody here tried installing ACLF II 420 in FD R5 case? Will it fit? I mean ppl are having problems installing a 280 version so I doubt it, but still, anybody tried it?
Also, if it doesnt fit, do you think its worth replacing my NH-D15 for a LF 240 or 260 version for my 10900k?
Thanks in advance!
There's only 1 issue I know of from installing a 280mm aio into the R5 and thats the rear exhaust fan can sometimes come into conflict with the reservoir end cap if it's too long, like mine did with nzxt x61.

Which honestly isn't a big deal, with a 280mm aio as top exhaust you seriously do not need nor require a rear exhaust fan.

So the Arctic 420mm, which is 3x 140mm will likely have the same issue, which really isn't an issue, but ppl are sheep so will do like everyone else does and insist they need a fan at rear exhaust.
There's only 1 issue I know of from installing a 280mm aio into the R5 and thats the rear exhaust fan can sometimes come into conflict with the reservoir end cap if it's too long, like mine did with nzxt x61.

Which honestly isn't a big deal, with a 280mm aio as top exhaust you seriously do not need nor require a rear exhaust fan.

So the Arctic 420mm, which is 3x 140mm will likely have the same issue, which really isn't an issue, but ppl are sheep so will do like everyone else does and insist they need a fan at rear exhaust.
Roger that. Thnx.
But what if I keep the upper panel of the case on? It's 3 padded metal slates. Do think i still wont need the rear exhaust if keep that on?
Roger that. Thnx.
But what if I keep the upper panel of the case on? It's 3 padded metal slates. Do think i still wont need the rear exhaust if keep that on?
I have an R5. If you want to run fans on top, those panels need to come off. It'd be like trying to run the air-conditioning in your car, but closing all the vents. The panels block unfiltered or ambient air in the bays with no fans, and consequently noise too. That helps maintain a wind-tunnel affect, the air coming in the front goes out the back.
Strange, I had no clearance issues with a 280mm, even overhanging the ram, but I had almost zero height heatsinking on the ram, uber low profile. With today's heatsinks and all the schtuff they add around the i/o shield area, I guess it could be a limitation issue.

Just call me sceptical, because if a standard thickness 140mm varient fits, even with overhang, the vertical dimension shouldn't make a difference.