Are Corsair an evil empire?


Oct 6, 2006
I noticed the other day that prices on the Dominator PC6400 cas4 have fallen, so I thought 'might get some of that'. When I checked the ICs used in this RAM though, I noticed a horrifying thing...... although they had started out using Micron D9s, and handpicked at that, they have now switched to Infineon Cs. Are these as OC'able as Microns, or have Corsair initially released a quality product to build up a good reputation, then quietly downgraded it? :evil:


Jul 7, 2006
I noticed the other day that prices on the Dominator PC6400 cas4 have fallen, so I thought 'might get some of that'. When I checked the ICs used in this RAM though, I noticed a horrifying thing...... although they had started out using Micron D9s, and handpicked at that, they have now switched to Infineon Cs. Are these as OC'able as Microns, or have Corsair initially released a quality product to build up a good reputation, then quietly downgraded it? :evil:

There never was a reputation to build up IMO. They have always sold over priced ram. It usualy goes the more something is worth its usualy better.


I've used Corsair ram for many years. Then a while back I had a ram failure. It was supposed to be a lifetime warrenty, but they had already stopped making the ram, just 6 months later. They replaced it with sticks that were supposed to be just as good, but it had promos IC's instead of Micron IC's.

I don't think they're evil, but just a company trying to make money. Downgrading their ram was a mistake, in my opinion. They were already among the most expensive around, so it wasn't like they were hurting for money. For myself, OCZ or Crucial seems like the way to go for the moment. If you really like the triple fan setup on the Dominator ram, then just buy it separately and put the fan setup on whatever ram you buy.


Jan 15, 2007
Some quick research would have shown the change in the lowest end Dominators (all the complaints plus the mail-in step up program in the past due to those complaints.) It also explains why the prices have fallen rather dramatically with rebates and all and while the other micron d9gmh's are still hovering around 300+ USD (2x1gb.) People have complained that Crucial has also been using lower rated d9s ICs in their ddr2 800 Ballistix line (price is lower there too) so it's not just Corsair that pulled a switch. More or less, every company has not been able to keep up with demand for d9gmh (and above) ICs. Enthusiast level products now have extraordinary prices - this is partly due to people recommending them left and right I'd imagine. Even people who weren't even considering overclocking started gunning for them.

I won't argue Corsair is overpriced but you can easily find them on sale or with rebates. Their initial asking price is a bit high though without those things despite the support they do give for their products.


Jul 7, 2006
There is equivalent or better ram out there, just need to look.

Just hard to find here in the UK at prices that aren't extortionate..... the cheapest I can find this part: (equivalent of about £155)

here in the UK is: ..........

£110 more, an extra 71%!!!!!

Yea you are right. In the US we have a wide selection of ram thanks to stores like newegg and TD. Finding better ram is a realy easy task here.