Are my games running low fps even though i have good specs


Jul 31, 2017
To start with i dont know much about computers.

GTX 1070
i5 6600k
16gb rams

When i play Battlefield 1 my fps goes from 30 to 80 but averages on 60 on low and i think i should have more fps because one of my friends has the same specs that i do. Same goes with other games; i see benchmark tests where people have higher fps with same specs and game settings.
Sorry for bad english.
I have a similar setup and I average around 110fps.

Depending on the last time you cleaned your computer, dust may be causing the cpu to heat up to much, which would cause it to throttle, or slow the processor down. The same could be said for your graphics card.

It may be that your hard drive has stuff on it that is taking bandwidth away from your game. Download ccleaner. This will clean unneeded crap off of your computer. Use the free version.
Also get a free virus cleaner and check for viruses.

All these things could be causing a slowdown of your system, and your game.
I have a similar setup and I average around 110fps.

Depending on the last time you cleaned your computer, dust may be causing the cpu to heat up to much, which would cause it to throttle, or slow the processor down. The same could be said for your graphics card.

It may be that your hard drive has stuff on it that is taking bandwidth away from your game. Download ccleaner. This will clean unneeded crap off of your computer. Use the free version.
Also get a free virus cleaner and check for viruses.

All these things could be causing a slowdown of your system, and your game.