Are my temps normal?


Oct 28, 2013
My CPU is core i5 6600 and GPU is Gigabyte Geforce GTX 960 (4GB)

When my system is idle CPU temp will be ~34C and GPU temp ~33C

My Room temp is ~32C

But when I do any simple task like install a software or play even a low graphics game like prototype 1, CPU temp increases way too much.
When installing softwares CPU temp reaches upto 45C and while playing prototype 1, it goes upto 60C and GPU temp will be 42C.

All the temps are recorded by HWMonitor and GPU-Z.

Please let me know if these are normal temps considering my room temp or if they are higher.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the response. Glad to hear it is normal. I am using Intel's stock cooler and cabinet is cooler master CM force 500 with no additional fans. Changed thermal paste yesterday (cooler master Mastergel Maker) using cross method and thick lines.

Thank you for the answer. One more thing.. As I mentioned above, I used thick cross lines for thermal paste application based on certain youtube videos. But later found out pea method is best as less gives better heat conductivity. So, If I use pea method, will there be reduction in temps? Or it will be negligible?
I would say the method you use does not matter as long as you use the right amount of thermal paste. But of course there are people that would say pea method is best; and then there will come other people that would say two line method is best; and so on. Since it is rather hard to prove any method is superior to others, people just believe what they want to.

So, considering my temp readings, you recommend to leave it as it is? Okay fine. Thanks man.