Are people masters of their own lives?

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Apr 3, 2014
People’s lives are influenced or even determined by their environments – time, place, work, family, history and culture. Most of us would like to think we are going our own way, but are we really? To what extent can we influence society around us? Are the choices we make really our own? What happens if the choices we make go against the grain?

Yeah it wasn't in this section originally. As you can see it has been moved by Someone Somewhere.

I think it was posted in the 'Systems' or the 'Components' section (can't remember which one).

I'll bite. I don't know where you are from but I will assume from the US as that's where I am from. My observations are that U.S. society is largely determined by the government for its own ends. (See political correctness for one, it's simply a Democrat pandering to their voting blocs.) Individuals who are not part of the political ruling class have very, very little influence on society. The most influence you have is on your immediate family and the state works very hard to erase that influence by denigrating dissenters as "wingnuts," "racists," "extremists," etc. and also using every public institution to pound in that message. I can tell you pretty well everything I do all day long is dictated to me by some political ruling class flunkie, from how much water my toilet can use when I take my morning dump (no more than 6.0000 liters) to how much trans-fats my food can have in it, how much fuel my truck can use, and how exactly my house must be built. We get stricken down very hard when we go against the grain as the powers that be do NOT like a challenge. Just look at what vitriol and lies the quasi-little-L-libertarian Tea Party people have had hurled at them just for suggesting minor changes in the policies of the statist Democrats.
Unfortunately we are a credit driven society, but what will happen when the day comes and there is no more credit that society has become so dependent upon, we've already seen devastating results and even some forum members that lost their retirements and that's a fact.

So what does the future hold for a credit dependent society in a deficit as bad as the US is in?

What happens when you go to the banks to get your money and the banks are closed, what happens when the banks cannot be backed by federal insurance when the federal government is bankrupt.

So man being a master of himself is the best joke of the day! :lol:

We love to live in this illusionary world thinking we are the masters of it, driving our fancy cars, living in nice homes, that really some bank actually owns and allows us to use it so we can keep thinking we're the masters of our domains! :)

Then we hit a hard dose of reality and find out what we really do own, and some on wall street jump out of buildings to their death because they were never prepared for the reality of the truth!

Students amass massive debt getting their education, then discover later they cannot fully enjoy the after education life because of it, and all this was to become masters of their future. :pfff:

People struggle their whole lives to reach a comfortable retirement to be the masters of their final days, then stock market crashes cost them everything and they have to start over, it takes extreme fortitude to loose it all and persevere to survive!

If you truly think you are the master of your domain!

If you are married, Ask your wife! :lol:
Yeah it wasn't in this section originally. As you can see it has been moved by Someone Somewhere.thanks
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