Are records worth much now? Ones from 70s on.


I've inherited a small collection of records, some of them go back to late 70s apparently.

I've not had time to go through them all, I'd say I have about 100 records.

Ones from bands I know, U2 record (its a small size record)
A pink floyd record.

Is their serious value to old records?

I think the person who had these before me just left them in a box in the basement. The condition is good, but honestly what does anybody know about record conditions now a days??

Update, I will provide more specifics to some records (as apposed to saying small size) later.
The answer really is, it depends. Factors like the actual records/albums you have and the quality of the covers and the records themselves.

Rare records can fetch a premium from audiophiles and collectors. There is also something to be said about the quality of sound from a record vice the digital "purity" of more modern media.
I cannot say I'm an expert on records at all. It is before my time, but making an educated guess I'd say they are in good condition.

Is it worth money to have them checked out realistically speaking?

I've been searching the web on vinyls worth money and found some that match what I have. Yet, again I have zero notion of value. So comparing it to the sites out there. Would you spend the money and have them inspected?
Make a list of your records. You can use that info to compare to sites like eBay.

If there is a record store near you, you can also take your list there and do some comparisons. You could even sell to them, in bulk. It really depends on what you have and their condition. Sort of like selling comic books and other collectibles.

A lot of record today fetch quite a bit of money especially jazz and classical.Go on line and search a site called audio asylum they buy used records.Some pink floyd albums are really valuable.