About 10 years ago I saw the headlines on one of the local propaganda rags, "Google removes 500,000 pages from its search engine." I didn't read the article because I have been expecting it. Since then I have been noticing some of the missing information, but what I have really been noticing is how completely inaccurate the search queries are becoming. Google is getting frustratingly worse but ebay. I have been selling on ebay since 2002 and the search use to find things by using similar words phrases etc. Now they have this "no exact match found". If it is not an exact match the item you are looking for might be a few pages down or maybe not. Just today as I was searching on google for a certain brand of pressure cooker I guess I was rerouted because every page was obviously asian, so I shruggedthat off, the next search was not asian, and after about the first two or three queries it wasn't even close. Does anybody experience this too?