Question Are there any am5 ddr5 pcie5 amd motherboards with oled displays on the board?


Jul 20, 2020
As the title states. Do they exist for modern boards like they do with the intel boards? I haven't found any. I'm hoping for one with black and white themes also. But I'm guessing It's rare to non existent. I like parts that display useful information. Will these oled displays have burn in problems over time also? I like my parts to last a long time. Although, as long as it's working, I probably won't care much for such a small display in a case.

Is it likely there will be in a generation or two? I'm not certain if these have some sort of likely release cycle.

If not oled do they have any other ones with other monitor display tech on the board?
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Screens that you can modify the output of are extremely uncommon in the motherboard space. Most of what you see are static images with RGB controls. If you want a screen inside your case for whatever reason you're generally going to be better off just buying a display or some other component that already has it like CPU cooler/fans.