Are There Any Full Cover Water Blocks For The Zotac GTX 1070 AMP! Edition?


Mar 28, 2014
I find that this card runs a little hotter than I am comfortable with and was wondering if there is a company that manufactures a full cover block for this specific card. I checked ekwb and a couple other sites and they only make the full cover water blocks for the nvidia founders edition cards and the founders edition cards of the companies that makes the cards like the zotac, evga, gigabyte gtx 1070 founders editions. Are there any full cover water blocks for the Zotac GTX 1070 AMP! Edition?
I know this might sound like I am whining a bit because my temp reaches 75c, I know this is a perfectly acceptable temp, but I have a good reason to want to water cool. Pascal started using GPU Boost 3.0 which auto OCs while in use, the downside is when the gpu chip starts to warm up the card itself begins to down clock the gpu so it doesn't heat up too much. The reason I want to water cool is because the cooler the temps the more performance I will gain without the need to manually OC. I have tried manually OCing this card but find that GPU Boost 3.0 brings my card to the same max MHz as if I didn't OC to begin with + or - about 50MHz. So to answer your question Gam3r01 75-77c max is what I have noticed whilst monitoring benchmarks but if I can get it cooler with water cooling I do believe I could gain a fair amount of performance by just watercooling.
I checked that link you provided and it looks like it is a full cover block because if you click the other picture that shows the underside of the block it looks like there are points of contact for the VRMs and memory.