Are these CPU stats normal


Jun 26, 2014
I just built my first computer on Tuesday and today I downloaded HWmonitor it seems my cpu is running a bit hot (Using stock cpu cooler planing to get a closed liquid cooler tomorrow) Average 45 c - 55 c on idle and running around 80 c when running RUST on good settings. According the my BIOS the max cpu fan speed is also only around 1000-1200 rpm witch seems low even for stock. Here is a screen shot from HWmonitor.
I could not get the picture to appear in the post so here is a link.

EDIT: Added link to screenshot.
thats pretty normal, anything under 80c is fine, but between 80-85c is when you want to keep an eye on it, do not let it be over 85c for long periods of time.

Added the screen shot link now.

Ok when I get the new cooler I'll apply better thermal compound. Also just did a small test it seems to spike when opening webpages also. Goes from 50 c - 70 c during the loading then drops back into the low 50's high 40's.
Ok , thanks. I also guess I should have mentioned in the post that the cpu is a i7 4770k. But I 'll guess you already knew that from the screen shot.

Ok the only thing that gets me though is in the photo it says my VCORE is 1.76 from what I read that is usually really high with most cpu's running about 1.2 VCORE can you look at the image and make sure I'm not reading something wrong because I've also read that running a cpu with a lot of VCORE can fry the chip. Also thanks for everything you have helped calm me down from thinking I was over heating my cpu.
Ok thanks for the help. Hopefully the new cooler will help lower these a lot and I can stop monitoring it as closely as I am. After installing the cooler I'll reply back here with what kind of difference it made.

Ok I installed the cooler about two hours ago my idle temp runs between 38 c - 42 c now and the max my cpu has hit ( this includes starting up things like steam and Google chrome) is 58 c. I am much more happy with these cooler temps.