Right now I have a 1080 Seahawk X.
I’m wanting to grab this possibly if they work together. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01LHYIFE0/ref=psdcmw_284822_t1_B01H263V0U?th=1&psc=1
I seen earlier it said that the EVGA would just lower its base speed to match the Seahawk. Just want some valid clarification or if I could OC my seahawk X to match the evga if possible. Any tips to OCing would be awesome. Thanks guys!
Ps- which bridge would I need to SLI them together?
I’m wanting to grab this possibly if they work together. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01LHYIFE0/ref=psdcmw_284822_t1_B01H263V0U?th=1&psc=1
I seen earlier it said that the EVGA would just lower its base speed to match the Seahawk. Just want some valid clarification or if I could OC my seahawk X to match the evga if possible. Any tips to OCing would be awesome. Thanks guys!
Ps- which bridge would I need to SLI them together?