Are these normal temps for an i7-7700K?

Apr 26, 2018
Greetings, I built a gaming PC two months ago and I got an i7-7700K cooled with an AIO Enermax Liqmax II 240. I just wanted to know if these temps are normal while gaming,


It's summer in my country so i guess that it's normal to get slightly higher temperatures. Thanks in advance, I hope I've explained myself well, I'm spanish.
Well, as many motherboards have MCE on by default, and, if limited to 60 Hz refresh, runnin gall 4 cores at 4.5 GHz is essentially spinning one's wheels anyway, so I'd disable it (Enhanced Turbo in MSI speak?)) if running marginal cooling....

Thank you for answering; here are my specs:

MSI Z270 Tomahawk
i7-7700k 4,2Ghz (no overclock)
Enermax Liqmax II 240 (liquid cooler)
EVGA GQ 650w (psu)
Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 Gaming
SSD Kingston 120gb
HDD SeaGate Barracuda 1TB
Ambient Temperature: 26º
You might see if MCE is enabled by default in your BIOS, which will run your CPU at all core turbo at 4.5 GHz, sort of a motherboard 'semi-cheat/mild quasi-overclock' condition, which, running all cores at 4.5 GHz, would add 5-8C to your temps easily...

If you are uncomfortable w high-70's gaming tempps, try MCE disabled in BIOS, might lower your temps....

is the MCE same as Intel Turbo Boost? in that case, I got it enabled by default; I can't find specifically "MCE" in my BIOS settings
Summer isn't a temperature so that doesn't add any value to your question. It helps to offer your region's summer temperatures.

I agree 72 is quite warm for a CPU during gaming but it's not dangerous.What I don't like is the fact that I see a static menu picture which means you lessened the load on GPU and CPU when you paused the game which would also reduce the respective temps. so the current, min and max temps. shown by HwMonitor aren't telling the whole story. While the 7700K is known for running abnormally warm only seeing a single temperature isn't really helpful. I'd rather see its minimum. current and max temps. Only pausing the game and opening that program doesn't offer much. You can start HwMonitor before you start gaming and then you can exit the game. It will remember the temps. outside of the game as you can see below

MSI Afterburner can also show your current info
and more of the bigger picture.

Going solely by temps. I assumed you were using a stock cooler. Now that I've read some details I see you are using an aftermarket cooler. I'd expect it to cool better than it is. Time to look at your cooler a little closer. Ah, an AIO liquid cooler.So that's a 240mm double fan cooler and 72 is the best it can do in FC5? Here in the US I would have gone with the Kraken x62 instead.


These are the temps shown by Afterburner while gaming on FC5. Practically the same that I shown before. I know a kraken would've been better than my own, but I didn't have the enough money. So, in conclussion, what can I do to reduce the temps?

I wouldn't sweat it(pun intended). Like I said the 7700K is known for having abnormally high temps. so that in addition to summer temps. tells me it's performing as well as can be expected.

Aside from higher end case fans or more fans there's not much you can do. Do you have the airflow going from front to back? You're also certain you applied the thermal compound to the entirety of the contact surfaces without applying too much or too little? This guy had very hot temps. with a Cotsair H105 and a reseat and reapplication of the thermal paste helped. Unfortunately post image has moved since then so it lacks pictures and some context.

In short? Your PC is running okay and you don't have anything to worry about. Just keep doing what you're doing.

Thanks for taking your time answering, btw. I got a 60hz monitor and I play at 1920x1080p resolution, (it's also my monitor resolution). And yeah, I think I applied the thermal paste properly, I think I poured the "right quantity", because I never had any issues about idle/load temps, except this. (normally 35-40º on idle and I can remember few months ago when was winter I played PUBG at 60º as maximum), and about the air flow, it's actually fine, I got 3 fans, one pulling out hot air in the back and 2 bringing cool air from the outside to inside

That's one thing you can do. Your gaming at 120FPS but your monitor is only capable of displaying 60FPS. You can turn on vsync and see what that does to temps..

Sorry, perhaps MSI does not have that option in it's BIOS....

I've just turned on vSync and temperatures didn't improve too much, about 2-3º , but it may be even so a "solution" for the problem
Well, as many motherboards have MCE on by default, and, if limited to 60 Hz refresh, runnin gall 4 cores at 4.5 GHz is essentially spinning one's wheels anyway, so I'd disable it (Enhanced Turbo in MSI speak?)) if running marginal cooling....

Okay the temperatures finally improved by dropping 5 degrees by disabling Enhanced turbo. Im comfortable with these temps, for me there's a difference between both. Thank u all for helping!