Hello peepz,
I've been testing 2 144hz TN monitors lately (Asus VG248QE and BenqXL2430) trying to see which of them is "the one" suited for me. Suffice to say I can obtain some nice picture quality on both of them with one compromise - some areas in some games will be dark as sh**. You won't be able to distinguish some details unless you crank the gamma to the max(and not even then sometimes), or better, use the "Asus Game mode" preset or "Benq Black Equalizer function". And that well.. simply DESTROYS the shadows detail (might as well remove them from games altogether).
So my question to you guys... are you using the monitor "game modes" for a brighter picture with distinguishable details or dragging yourselves in the dark with better shadows?
I've been testing 2 144hz TN monitors lately (Asus VG248QE and BenqXL2430) trying to see which of them is "the one" suited for me. Suffice to say I can obtain some nice picture quality on both of them with one compromise - some areas in some games will be dark as sh**. You won't be able to distinguish some details unless you crank the gamma to the max(and not even then sometimes), or better, use the "Asus Game mode" preset or "Benq Black Equalizer function". And that well.. simply DESTROYS the shadows detail (might as well remove them from games altogether).
So my question to you guys... are you using the monitor "game modes" for a brighter picture with distinguishable details or dragging yourselves in the dark with better shadows?