Articles here for a long time now


Mar 20, 2003
This is not really a question, more of a grouch. Not everyone who builds machines plays damn games! I build my machines for serious number crunching of scientific issues, I do not overclock, I do not need complicated I/O devices, graphics cards to me are simply number crunching GPU's yet again and again it is "best graphics cards for gaming" or "system builds for best gaming performance". These kind of articles are basically useless to me. It is not obvious to me that a good gaming machine is automatically a good number cruncher, they are doing different things.
You are correct mate, it just so happens that 95% of queries i see are gaming related, but that also means that ~1:20 are not and are builds for rendering or streaming and not gaming and the builds are different and the suggestions from the forum are different based on the use.

Were you after a build for a specific purpose or just after more generalised articles from the site ?