Artifacts in game at low temps and low GPU utilization.


Jan 4, 2018
I have a GTX 1060 6GB and I have over clocked it. I have run Fur mark, Fur Mark with artifact scanner and Unigine Heaven. The problem is in all benchmarks the run perfectly fine no artifacts and high fps, but in games I get artifacts. I have tried lower the clocks increasing fan speed but nothing seems to have worked. In fur mark with artifacts scanner no artifacts are detected after 1 hour of it being left on. In game my temps don't go above 60C and GPU utilization doesn't go above 40%. What could be the issue?

I have an I5 760(oc'ed to 3.96GHz) 8GB ram, P55-GD55 MSI motherboard. 650W PSU.
I have tried it on GTAV online, and Citied Skylines.

Should I dial back memory or core clocks? The voltage is at 100% and the power limit is at 116%.