IndignantSkeptic :
problematiq :
TJ Hooker :
problematiq :
It is different yes, but it only takes a financial incentive for a company to start kicking out ASIC boxes, like a jump in a crytocurrency's value. As far as ASIC resistant goes, I high doubt it will take much for someone to over come that minor hurdle, there are other cyrptocurrency's that were resistant to ASCI mining, (just look at ALT coin) but that ultimately did not last very long.
What makes you think it's a "minor hurdle"? Not saying it couldn't happen eventually, but I don't think it'll be the same as for Bitcoin. Also, Eth is eventually switching from a Proof of Work scheme to a Proof of Stake scheme, which I believe is supposed to make it less important to have oodles of hashing power, and therefore would seem to make ASICs (and ASIC development) less attractive. Unfortunately I don't really understand the PoW vs PoS think that well.
Not sure what you're talking about with altcoin, given that altcoin is not an actual currency but rather a blanket term for cryptocurrencies other than bitcoin.
Sorry "Just look at the alt coins" It really is not a big hurdle as most people think, they hear "resistant to ASCI miners" and what they think they hear is "almost impervious to ASCI miners". VERTcoin was one that came to mind that was "ASCI resistant" that in the end only took a few months before there were ASCI boxes flooding the market. Granted, it is a POW currency as is eth currently.
Stop saying ASCI !! ! !
Long freaking day yesterday. ASIC