Ask Me Anything - Official ASUS Representatives

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Oct 3, 2014
Tom's Community Ask Me Anything – ASUS

Ever wanted to ask one of the big hardware or software giants something directly? Why did they do that? Where did the idea come from for that last product? What’s in store next? Well, now you have the chance!

Tom’s Hardware is proud to announce our latest installment of ASK ME ANYTHING.

On Wednesday, March 25, we’ll be hosting the next in a series of Tom’s Community Ask Me Anythings with our wonderful guests from ASUS. They'll be answering all of your in-depth questions posed by you, our audience.

This thread will be unlocked, open and live for 24 hours starting at 12:00 p.m. eastern on March 25, and questions will be moderated and supervised by Tom’s Hardware Senior Community Manager, Joe Pishgar, and a full team of Senior Moderators.

Ask Me Anything Rules
• No tech support questions, as these require in-depth personal follow-up and diagnostics.
• All Rules of Conduct apply.
• Keep questions direct and to the point.
• Avoid opinion bias - ie: "Why are all your products awesome/horrible?"
• Be respectful of our guests, no insults, no leading questions.
• Do not post duplicate questions or repost your question multiple times.
• Not all questions may be answered. Questions may not be answered in the order in which they are received or posted.

To reiterate: No opinion bias, insults, leading questions, or breaking the Rules of Conduct. Breaking these rules may result in a one-day ban.

Only registered users will be able to ask questions, so if you haven’t yet, be sure to register now for your chance to participate!

The official representatives will reply periodically over the time the AMA is active using recognized, verified accounts.

Please join us on this date to throw your questions into the mix and ask ASUS what you've always wanted to ask!

What: Ask Me Anything – ASUS
When: Wednesday, March 25th, 12:00 p.m. EDT
Where: This thread! Keep it locked!

Our Guests from ASUS are:
• Erik Joiner, Consumer Marketing Manager (erik-asus)
• Rajinder “Raja” Gill, Senior Technical Marketing Specialist – Component Group (Raja@Asus)
• Juan J. “JJ” Guerrero, Senior Technical Marketing Specialist & Community Manager (PCDIYASUS)

NOTE: This AMA is now closed.
Yes the ROG SWIFT 4K edition is still under design and development. At this time we are looking at a Q3/Q4 release. Updates will be posted to PCDIY.ASUS.COM where you can subscribe for more information as it comes out. Additionally if you have feedback feel free to post in the current post for the upcoming ROG SWIFT.
In your professional opinion how many years away are we from 4K gaming becoming completely mainstream, from PC hardware, to software to monitors. Also what the are the current biggest obstacles to 4K gaming, is it the price premium over non 4K product, is it lack of content or something else.

By mainstream i mean when will it become a norm, something that majority of people will be able to afford (where 1080P gaming is now).

Thank You.

Awesome sounds great!

Just a couple of little other things I might as well ask while I'm here... Will there be non reference versions of the Titan X or is it going to run the same theme/idea as all other titans have been reference cooler only?

Also just for fun, What is your personal favorite comic heroes if any?:)
I am very exited about the new MG279Q WQHD IPS monitor as the specifications are looking great. Some questions regarding that:
- is the latest info on PCDIY.ASUS.COM about retail release time stand stall? Mid-may?
- is the reported suggested retail price valid as $600?
- if we compare it with PB278QR, an other great display, what can you tell us? For example: is the panel the same or a very different one? What can we wait from picture quality?
- with dp 1.2a the adaptive sync is a real feature possibility, but will MG279Q work well with AMD's freesync, is there any blocking issue in sight?
Recently, Asus turned down the opportunity to participate in a mini-ITX motherboard review. Why? What is Asus' take on the mini-ITX market? Please be as detailed as possible; it seems that other than those who want to run multiple graphics cards, a majority of users' needs could actually be met by these small boards.

We will be releasing a ASUS TITAN X. With that noted NVIDIA requires add in partners to adhere to the standard reference design. In this respect we cannot produce a non reference version of the TITAN X. With that noted you can off course improve thermal performance and overclocking headroom by equipping it with a water block. EK has already confirmed waterblock support for the TITAN X.

As for comics that is a tough one lol. Too many to count as the story is what drives your connection and interest in the character and I have read so many good ones.

I love the classics DC trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Women but I am a big fan of generally all the cores Justice League characters.

I like the dynamics of Spawn and Cable

A big cosmic guy so you have to throw Inhumans, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor , Galactus and Thanos. Overall whether DC, Marvel, Indy or toehr I am big fan of great artwork and great writing. If you have any recommendations send them my way.

Guessing anywhere from 18-24 months before we start seeing 4K offerings at what many people consider "mid-range". Panel prices are becoming more favorable while VGA perf should be good at mid-range to have most eye candy on with good FPS.

This was a limited edition card - might not be restocked at this stage. Will let you know.

A few questions on SFF
AsRock made a X99 ITX board,will you be doing something similar? If yes,will it be mDTX with 2 x16 PCI slots?That would be a dream come true for SFF builders everywhere.
Your Mini graphics cards (GTX 970/GTX770) are taller than the PCI bracket. This can be an issue in tighter cases with not a lot of height. Any plans to fix that in future iterations?
The fastest Single Slot and Low Profile graphics card is the Radeon HD7750 by sapphire. Any plans by Asus to 1UP this card,say, with a GTX750Ti?

This is a tough question as it really comes down to budget and games and these vary considerably for different people.

First games play a a huge part in the experience ( the engine ) and its demands. So titles are ok now playing at 4K like Grid Autosport.

The problem is games have levels of customization available to them that can affect performance and image quality. This is one of the great benefits of the PC but also adds complexity to the ease of use and the immediate experience.

With newer GPUs coming and next generation engines based DX12 performance is only going to improve but there will always be vary levels of what performance is acceptable. Especially as we consider technologies like G-SYNC and FREESYNC 2 years ago no one would have said generally 40 FPS was a great gaming experience and now it can be.

As such we are looking at a combination of these technologies, the GPUs and games.

If we look overall at pricing panels are coming down very quickly so next is the GPUs. Overall both coming into aggressive price points is not realistic as they are not mainstream technologies but truly enthusiast. With that noted I see more widespread adoption based on pricing in about 2 years. This will also aligin with more game engines leveraging DX12 for improved experiences as well as more maturity and choice in frame syncing technologies.
I saw during JJs video review of the GR8, that there was an internal USB header - what the heck is that for? Also, any chance we might see a model with a 970m?


1) No current mini-ITX X99 plans. May change at a later date, but nothing planned right now.

2) Depends if we can find enough surface area to keep the card "mini" and quiet.

3) We're always looking at what the market needs - if there is enough demand we'd do it :)


The PCDIY post has the most recent information including the projected release time frame. Any updates will be posted there.

Pricing has not been released at this time I would wait for an update to the PCDIY site for this. Any information outside of that is not currently valid.

In my limited time I would say the picture quality is equal to that of the PB. More of this information will come as we get closer to the release and have final panel that are calibrated and directly comparable but a general approximation would be comparable performance and quality.

More information to come regarding Freesync support but at this time we can confirm it is in compliance with the DP 1.2a specification. ASUS is committed to providing a complete range of performance monitor offering for the gaming community just as we do with our graphic cards ( whether it be NVIDIA based or AMD based )

Stay tuned to PCDIY for more information.
Does Asus have any plans on updating it's internal sound cards? It's been a few years since you guys last did and there are currently a few new solutions on the market for competitors.

What about the driver side of sound cards as well? The last update that was released was in 2011 (excluding the language update in 2013 that added new languages)and still has quite a few bugs addressed in the community made unified xonar drivers. I've experienced the "screeching" bug myself and it's not at all pleasant.

Yes we will restock it is a complex thermal solution to produce so production QTY is lowered than traditional cards. We have ramped up production approx 2 weeks ago and you should see livability soon. QTY between production will be smaller than traditional STRIX cards so if you want one make sure to jump on it when you see it.
Recently I've seen more and more posts on gpu upgrades on Asus branded computers. When I think of HP or Compaq, Dell or Gateway, I'm thinking work-related computers, but Asus is so big in the gaming circuit, it must be a gaming computer. That being the case, for me at any rate, why are you putting 300w psus in your computers, which negate any easy possibility of an upgraded Asus mid-range gpu without resorting to buying another brand psu as well?

This is a TBD header possibly for use with STEAM OS as we are validating the GR8 for STEAM OS. It can he used like a traditional USB Port though. I have a test system setup with a flash drive where I keep core drivers on it. We are looking at additional functionality do the road.

As for the 970M the GR8 uses a special integrated GPU. Similar to a notebook we can refresh to newer GPUs but it must be within the target of the power envelope we have as well as the TDP of the thermal solution. We are of course focused on trying to provide a best balance of performance and the ultra small and slim form factor the GR8 offers. Stay tuned though as there will be updates.
I understand from a previous answer that you will comply with direction to not release a non-reference edition of the GTX TITAN X.

What is the possibility of releasing a series of video cards with no cooling solution to allow for custom cooling solutions without the inherent risk to the hardware in removing the current cooling system.

Would that comply with Nvidea direction as you are not releasing a non-reference cooling solution, but rather not including it?

Lastly: how large do you estimate the market for watercooling solutions, and will it ever drive video card manufacturers to provide more OEM watercooling solutions?

It really depends on the line of desktop our higher performance desktops come equipped with high wattage PSUs. For more traditional desktops like our Essentio series these are targeted at general users for productivity, online connected experiences and possibly gaming. As such the configurations on the PSU are more moderate and in line with the rest of the market place. With that noted we have been looking at specific models and when possible look to extend some of the upgradbility of the systems power supply if within reasonable cost.

The challenge was finding tangible gains over the previous generation of product. The availability of new devices, with better performance and support for new formats is something we have to consider. Fortunately we are now at that stage so we do have more on the way for discrete audio. Onboard audio has improved a great deal over the past few years as well - motherboards featuring onboard headphone amps and separate DACs can be found.

Regarding drivers, we do make updates if we can replicate the issue in house. That's usually the challenge if a reported bug is sporadic or difficult to replicate in test environment-situ.


Thank you for the swift reply.

1. mDTX is compatible with mITX but has the extra PCI slot. You also get the same number of boards off a PCB in the factory if I'm not mistaken. You could realistically make an X99 Impact "Pro" with the form factor. Really sad that everyone make H81 boards with the form factor at the moment, it would allow among other things
a. A sound card and single slot/liquid cooled GPU in an ITX build
b. Liquid Cooled SLI/Crossfire in an ITX build
c. PCI card and a standard GPU in a 3 slot ITX case.
Basically open up ITX from the limitation of a single PCI slot.Hope you consider this.Or at least stop with the H81's and make a H97 mDTX :)

2.I think you can, just add a little length and reduce a little height to be flush with the PCI bracket.

3. God yes there is demand.Anyone making a gaming HTPC will want one. Or people with SFF Dells with no PSU upgadeability and only one PCI bracket.Or Internet Cafe owners looking to offer casual gaming. Single slot AND low profile GPU's are sadly neglected. One that can push decent gaming is almost impossible to find. Basically all the card has to be is
a. Single slot
b.Also low profile
c. Have no PCI connector
d. Game smoothly in a decent HD resolution
A custom 750Ti ticks all those boxes. At the moment though you can oly get them EITHER in single slot OR in Dual Slot Low Profile.
I don't like a big phone, but I do like the additional features of the Zenfone2 5.5 inch models. Any chance of bringing the better wifi and other benefits to the 5 inch model when it hits the U.S.?
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