In 13 years on here, I've never used the Ask the community side box. I always go to the forum and post there, and there, I usually see the sticky's and will read it before I ask something. I see so many posts which would have been answered if people read the sticky, they wouldn't post and I think most people are just impatient and daft, and don't read them, then I realized the Ask the community side box is probably where most people ask their questions, and thus don't go to the forums, and see the sticky's and would have their questioned answered and "what are the difference between windows vesrions" or how do I overclock my Haswell when they are answered, in sticky's. Now granted, some people won't read them anyway's, but I'm just wondering if others think that box stops people from going to the forums and searching more, reading sticky's, seeing similar threads on the forum page when they go, and would cut down on questions that shouldn't even be asked.