Asking a Question?

mhd lord

Dec 18, 2012
some say that the 360 has a better graphic , but to me I prefer the ps3 especially u can get the obsessive series of GOD OF WAR .Another thing that the controller of PS3 is more easier to use than the xbox360 ,and u can charge it directly form the ps3 device .
any way about the consol graphic it uses DX9 ,so its no big difference .

mhd lord

Dec 18, 2012

yeah what ever u say man it still not DX 11 ,and now microsoft released the new V of it 11.1 . So its not a big deal to have a consol U will still behind two generations but it worth it if u wanna play games like GOD OF WAR 4 PS3 or GEARS OF WAR 4 XBOX360
the xbox uses a modified version of directx 9... they use a custom x1900 (R520) with additional instruction sets. it can run dx10 like effects but they are not direct x 10 instructions. it may have similar dx10 features like dof and blur but they are implemented in a different way to how direct x 10 impliments it on dx10 hardware...
i know this is a bit pedantic. but bad info is bad info.

i know wiki isnt the most reliable source of info but the above does seem correct from what i have seen inside the 360.