asking before buying new graphics card


Sep 30, 2016
I was wondering if my.... MSI B-85 G-43 Gaming motherboard is compatible with latest graphics card such as MSI GTX 1080 8G.

My PSU is 735W if you wondering

Yes it is by around 70% (rx480 is similar performance to a GTX 1060). The 1070 and 1080 are even higher.
I agree with Hellfire. Also worth confirming that your CPU is decent enough to keep a 1080 busy.

Incidentally, do you have a high refresh rate or high resolution monitor? Because if you're only rocking a standard 1080P display then a 1080 is total overkill. May as well grab something cheaper and save your money.
I got everything as Hellfire said.... and yea my monitor is common 60hz 1080p monitor with hdmi connection

last question.... is this motherboard compatible with msi radeon RX 480 8G? for budget of course heheh... asking my CPU mine is i7 4790k

Alright thank you, and thank you all for helping me <3
As above, right now, you are going to be wasting a lot of $ buying a GTX 1080 with your pc and a 1080p monitor.

A decent 1440p monitor and a cheaper graphics card will give you more for the $$ you spend on a GTX1080

if u have 1080p then the 1060/1070 or rx480 shd suffice...if u go for a 1080 then its a waste...better save sum buck for future...

btwn...u nvr mentioned ur psu make/model...i m still wondering who manufactures a far as i knew, they come in round figures usually...