[SOLVED] AsRock EUFI Secure Boot Help

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Sep 6, 2018
Hello. I am attempting to enable secure boot on my AsRock Am4 motherboard. When I click the option, it says “Secure Boot can be enabled when System in User Mode. Repeat operation after enrolling Platform Key(PK)” What does this mean?
if not mistaken on these scenario you would like to create a Password on the Admin and User security tab/section of your mobo.. that way once create you can navigate to PK management and clear those. after that the greyed out secure boot should be available to you
I have the B450M-HDV. Here are my other specs:
AMD Ryzen 2600
G.skill Aegis DDR4-3000 8GB
ASrock Phantom RX 570 4GB
Rosewill Capstone 550W Gold
Kingston 120GB sSD
WD Blue 500GB HDD
if not mistaken on these scenario you would like to create a Password on the Admin and User security tab/section of your mobo.. that way once create you can navigate to PK management and clear those. after that the greyed out secure boot should be available to you
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