ASRock Extreme7 Gen3 Tri-Sli Bridge...


Oct 10, 2011
I just got all of my components and have mostly completed my build except for one glaring problem.
I have three MSI N580GTX Lightning Extreme cards that I want to run in Tri-SLI, but the Tri-SLI Bridge (even the normal SLI bridge) that comes with the motherboard will not work. A portion of the card is actually preventing these bridges from connecting with the connectors on the video cards.

Does anyone know of an alternative to get these working in TRI-SLI? Right now, I'm kind of stuck with running two in SLI using the ribbon SLI Bridge that came with the video cards.
MSI never intended for their N580GTX Lightning Xtreme Edition to use a rigid SLI Bridge Interconnect and that's why they included a flexible 2-way SLI Bridge Interconnect in their graphics card package. They never intended those cards to be used in 3-way SLI mode or they would have included a flexible 3-way SLI connector.

Those are the problems you run into with poor design.

You should contact MSI and ask for a flexible 3-way SLI Bridge Interconnect since they push this card's ability to support 3-way NVIDIA SLI Technology yet they don't provide anything to make that possible (i.e. false advertising).

The motherboards that support 3-way SLI only include a rigid 3-way SLI Bridge Interconnect.

The 3-way SLI Bridge Interconnect appears to connect the three cards' SLI connectors in a ring topology.


Oct 10, 2011

Thanks, have already sent this request to them, was just wondering if anyone had come up with any kind of workaround.

I did find a thread over on msi's forums that supposedly you can interweave the flexible SLI Bridges to get thsi working, but have yet to try it since I'm still waiting for my third card RMA.

Not so sure this really would work, but then again I'm not one of the engineers that designed these boards least it's something to try until I hear directly from MSI.